Last updated: 2018-02-07

Code version: 8122e6c


Game definition

Consider the following challenge: a group of 50 people stands in a circle, each one is told to secretly pick two other persons (‘marks’). The objective for everyone is to move to such a position that they form a triangle with equal sides with respect to their two marks.

To add some details, say they are standing in a room with dimensions 20 by 20 meters. For starters, we will assume that people’s positions may coincide. If this is not the case, it is immediately clear that there does not always exist a solution: if 3 persons happen to choose the same 2 marks, since when 2 marks are chosen, exactly 2 points exist that form a traingle of equal sides with them (given that they the 2 marks don’t happen to stand on the same position). However, the chance of this happening is very small, the probability for 2 out of \(n\) people to have chosen the same two marks is \((n-1) * \frac{1}{n\choose{2}}\), the chance for 3 persons to have chosen the same 2 marks is even lower. Assume that the stride length is the same for everyone: 0.5 meters per step. People pick their marks randomly (you could pick other strategies, but this adds some nice randomness to the process)

R equivalent

Let’s put in in a picture

Initialize parameters, and load needed R-packages


npeople = 8
room_dims = c(20,20)
stride = 0.5
pspace = 0.3

Initialize circle

r0 = 3 # radius of initial circle

df <- data.table(
  id = 1:npeople

df[, c("x0", "y0"):=
     list(r0 * cos(2*pi*(id-1)/npeople),
          r0 * sin(2*pi*(id-1)/npeople))]

df[, id:=as.factor(id)]

circle0 <- df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x0, y = y0, col = id)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  lims(x = c(-1,1)*room_dims[1]/2, y = c(-1,1)*room_dims[2]/2) +
  coord_fixed() + 
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

circle0_labeled <- 
  circle0 + 
  geom_label(aes(label = id))


Let’s pick random marks for each individual (excluding themselves)

**NB improve code with ‘by = “id”’


df[, c("mark_a", "mark_b"):=data.frame(t(apply(.SD, 1, function(row) 
  sample(setdiff(factor(1:npeople), row[["id"]]), size = 2, replace = F))))]

setkey(df, id)

df[1:10, list(id, mark_a, mark_b)]
    id mark_a mark_b
 1:  1      2      5
 2:  2      6      5
 3:  3      8      5
 4:  4      1      2
 5:  5      6      4
 6:  6      5      4
 7:  7      2      6
 8:  8      3      6
 9: NA     NA     NA
10: NA     NA     NA

Visualize a few subject and mark pairs

df[, c("ma_x0", "ma_y0"):=.SD[as.character(mark_a), list(x0, y0)]]
df[, c("mb_x0", "mb_y0"):=.SD[as.character(mark_b), list(x0, y0)]]
circle0 +
  geom_segment(data = df[c(1)], 
               aes(x = x0, xend = ma_x0, y = y0, yend = ma_y0), 
               linetype = 2) + 
  geom_segment(data = df[c(1)], 
               aes(x = x0, xend = mb_x0, y = y0, yend = mb_y0),
               linetype = 2)

Model behaviour

Now let’s see if we can converge to a solution where everyone get’s to a position in which they are in a equal side triangle with their two targets.

Solution 1: single step towards goal

Say everyone has a keen eye for where they should stand, given that their targets stand at points \(x_{target_1},y_{target_1}\) and \(x_{target_2}, y_{target_2}\). With some math, we can see that the subject should move to one of 2 positions.

The target point for each subject lies on the circle with as center one of the marks (let’s take mark ‘a’ for simplicity), with a radius of the distance between mark a and mark b, and at a position of 60 degrees more or less than the angle between mark a and b.

Some restritions apply to this target point:

  • it must be within the room
  • when there are two options, choose the one that’s nearest by

Set target position

Let’s create a function to determine the target point for a subject (this took a piece of paper and some fiddling with the trigonometric functions)

get_target.single <- function(x0, y0, ma_x0, ma_y0, mb_x0, mb_y0,
                              if_none = "original") {
  p0  = c(x0, y0)
  ma = c(ma_x0, ma_y0)
  mb = c(mb_x0, mb_y0)
  m_center = (ma + mb) / 2
  # calculate distance between mark a and b, and the angles between them
  theta_a  = atan2(ma_y0, ma_x0)
  theta_b  = atan2(mb_y0, mb_x0)
  theta_ab = theta_b - theta_a

  d_ab     = sqrt(sum((mb - ma) ^ 2))
  # target points are determined by taking a step from the middle between 
  # the marks
  stride   = (.5*d_ab) / tan(.5 * (1/6) * 2 * pi)

  # calculate candidate target points
  tx1 = m_center[1] + stride * cos(theta_a + theta_ab / 2)
  ty1 = m_center[2] + stride * sin(theta_a + theta_ab / 2)
  tx2 = m_center[1] - stride * cos(theta_a + theta_ab / 2)
  ty2 = m_center[2] - stride * sin(theta_a + theta_ab / 2)
  # ty1 = ma_y0 + radius * sin(angle_ab + 2*pi*60/360)
  # tx2 = ma_x0 + radius * cos(angle_ab - 2*pi*60/360)
  # ty2 = ma_y0 + radius * sin(angle_ab - 2*pi*60/360)

  # check if both target points are within the room
  t1_ok = abs(tx1) < room_dims[1] / 2 & abs(ty1) < room_dims[2] / 2
  t2_ok = abs(tx2) < room_dims[1] / 2 & abs(ty2) < room_dims[2] / 2
  # if 1 of both is ok, take that point
  if (sum(c(t1_ok, t2_ok)) == 1) {
    if (t1_ok) return(c(tx1, ty1))
    return(c(tx2, tx2))
  # if none are ok, return NA's or the original position
  if (sum(c(t1_ok, t2_ok)) == 0) {
    if (if_none == "original") return(c(x0,y0))
  # if both are ok, take the one that's closest by, or the first one
  d1 = sqrt(sum((c(tx1, ty1) - p0) ^ 2))
  d2 = sqrt(sum((c(tx2, ty2) - p0) ^ 2))
  if (d1 <= d2) {
    return(c(tx1, ty1))
  return(c(tx2, ty2))

get_target <- function(x0, y0, ma_x0, ma_y0, mb_x0, mb_y0) {
  df <- cbind(x0, y0, ma_x0, ma_y0, mb_x0, mb_y0)
  targets <- apply(df, 1, function(x) {
    get_target.single(x[[1]], x[[2]], x[[3]], x[[4]], x[[5]], x[[6]])
df[, c("tx0", "ty0"):=get_target(x0, y0, ma_x0, ma_y0, mb_x0, mb_y0)]

Check correctness of solutions

df[, t_correct:={
  da  = norm(matrix(c(tx0 - ma_x0, ty0 - ma_y0)), type = "F")
  db  = norm(matrix(c(tx0 - mb_x0, ty0 - mb_y0)), type = "F")
  dab = norm(matrix(c(mb_x0 - ma_x0, mb_y0 - ma_y0)), type = "F")
  max(dist(c(da, db, dab)) < 0.001)
}, by = "id"]

Visualize target positions for a few subjects

samples = sample(1:npeople, size = 2)
circle0 + 
  geom_segment(data = df[samples], 
               aes(x = tx0, xend = ma_x0, y = ty0, yend = ma_y0)) +
  geom_segment(data = df[samples], 
               aes(x = tx0, xend = mb_x0, y = ty0, yend = mb_y0)) +
  geom_segment(data = df[samples], 
               aes(x = ma_x0, xend = mb_x0, y = ma_y0, yend = mb_y0)) +
  geom_segment(data = df[samples], 
               aes(x = x0, xend = tx0, y = y0, yend = ty0),
               arrow = arrow(), linetype = 2, alpha = .5)

Take step to target position

Create a function to define a step to the target position

take_step.single <- function(x, y, tx, ty, stride = .5) {
  direction <- c(tx, ty) - c(x, y)
  direction_normalized <- direction / sqrt(sum(direction^2))
  next_step = stride * direction_normalized
  new_position = c(x, y) + next_step
take_step <- function(x, y, tx, ty, stride = .5) {
  data = cbind(x, y, tx, ty), 1, function(row) 
    take_step.single(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], stride = stride))))

To track the positions for each participants, let’s create a new data structure.

# library(tibbletime)
# nsteps = 100
# positions <- create_series('00:00:00' ~ '00:05:00', 'second', class = "hms")
nsteps = 100
stride = 0.5
positions <- array(dim = c(nsteps+1, npeople, 2), 
                   dimnames = list(paste0("step-",0:nsteps),
                                   paste0("id-", 1:npeople), 
                                   c("x", "y")))

positions[1,,1] <- df$x0
positions[1,,2] <- df$y0

## Set initial positions
df[, c("x", "y"):=list(x0, y0)]

for (i in 1:nsteps) {
  df[, c("ma_x", "ma_y"):= .SD[as.character(mark_a), list(x, y)]]
  df[, c("mb_x", "mb_y"):= .SD[as.character(mark_b), list(x, y)]]
  df[, c("tx", "ty")    := get_target(x, y, ma_x, ma_y, mb_x, mb_y)]
  df[, c("x", "y")      := take_step(x, y, tx, ty, stride = stride)]
  positions[i+1,,1] = df$x
  positions[i+1,,2] = df$y

Plot x-coordinate of a subject, to see if this process converges


Let’s try decreasing the step size after some time

nsteps = 100
stride = 0.5
strides= ((nsteps - 1:nsteps) / nsteps) * stride
positions <- array(dim = c(nsteps+1, npeople, 2), 
                   dimnames = list(paste0("step-",0:nsteps),
                                   paste0("id-", 1:npeople), 
                                   c("x", "y")))

positions[1,,1] <- df$x0
positions[1,,2] <- df$y0

## Set initial positions
df[, c("x", "y"):=list(x0, y0)]

for (i in 1:nsteps) {
  stride = strides[i]
  df[, c("ma_x", "ma_y"):= .SD[as.character(mark_a), list(x, y)]]
  df[, c("mb_x", "mb_y"):= .SD[as.character(mark_b), list(x, y)]]
  df[, c("tx", "ty")    := get_target(x, y, ma_x, ma_y, mb_x, mb_y)]
  df[, c("x", "y")      := take_step(x, y, tx, ty, stride = stride)]
  positions[i+1,,1] = df$x
  positions[i+1,,2] = df$y

Plot x-coordinate of a subject, to see if this process converges, but now weighted for the stride size

plot(positions[,1,1] / c(1,strides))

Define how good a solution is

We can say that for each person, the cost is the sum of the differences between the distance between their marks and the distance of the subject to each mark.

\[cost = |d_{subject, mark_a} - d_{mark_a, mark_b}| + |d_{subject, mark_b} - d_{mark_a, mark_b}|\]

cost_function <- function(x, y, ma_x, ma_y, mb_x, mb_y) {
  d_ab <- sqrt(sum((ma_x - mb_x)^2, (ma_y - mb_y)^2))
  d_a <- sqrt(sum((x - ma_x)^2, (y - ma_y)^2))
  d_b <- sqrt(sum((x - mb_x)^2, (y - mb_y)^2))
  abs(d_a - d_ab) + abs(d_b - d_ab)

Re run the simulation, keeping track of the cost (for each subject)

nsteps = 100
stride = 0.5
strides= ((nsteps - 1:nsteps) / nsteps) * stride
positions <- array(dim = c(nsteps+1, npeople, 2), 
                   dimnames = list(paste0("step-",0:nsteps),
                                   paste0("id-", 1:npeople), 
                                   c("x", "y")))
costs <- array(dim = c(nsteps+1, npeople, 1))

positions[1,,1] <- df$x0
positions[1,,2] <- df$y0
costs[1,,1] <- df[, list(cost = cost_function(x0, y0, ma_x0, ma_y0, mb_x0, ma_y0)), by = "id"]$cost

## Set initial positions
df[, c("x", "y"):=list(x0, y0)]

for (i in 1:nsteps) {
  stride = strides[i]
  df[, c("ma_x", "ma_y"):= .SD[as.character(mark_a), list(x, y)]]
  df[, c("mb_x", "mb_y"):= .SD[as.character(mark_b), list(x, y)]]
  df[, c("tx", "ty")    := get_target(x, y, ma_x, ma_y, mb_x, mb_y)]
  df[, c("x", "y")      := take_step(x, y, tx, ty, stride = stride)]
  positions[i+1,,1] = df$x
  positions[i+1,,2] = df$y
  costs[i+1,,1] <- df[, list(cost = cost_function(x, y, ma_x, ma_y, mb_x, ma_y)), by = "id"]$cost

Gather costs in a convenient data.table format, and plot the costs per subject over time

cost_df <-
cost_df[, id:=factor(rep(1:npeople, each = nsteps + 1))]
cost_df[, step:=rep(0:nsteps, times = npeople)]

cost_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = step, y = costs, col = id)) + 

As we see, the cost decreases, but it never saturates.

Let’s now gather all the positions in a table, see if we can visualize this nicely

position_df <-
position_df[, step:=rep(0:nsteps, times = npeople * 2)]
position_df[, coordinate:=rep(c("x", "y"), each = (nsteps + 1) * npeople)]
position_df[, id:=factor(rep(1:npeople, each = nsteps + 1, times = 2))]
position_df <-, step + id ~ coordinate, value.var = "positions")

Animate using gganimate (available on github)

p <- position_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, col = id, frame = step)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  lims(x = c(-1,1)*room_dims[1]/2, y = c(-1,1)*room_dims[2]/2) +
  coord_fixed() + 
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")


Session information

R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] gganimate_0.1.0.9000 magrittr_1.5         ggplot2_2.2.1       
[4] data.table_1.10.4-3 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.14     knitr_1.18       munsell_0.4.3    colorspace_1.3-2
 [5] rlang_0.1.6      stringr_1.2.0    plyr_1.8.4       tools_3.4.3     
 [9] grid_3.4.3       gtable_0.2.0     git2r_0.20.0     htmltools_0.3.6 
[13] yaml_2.1.16      lazyeval_0.2.1   rprojroot_1.2    digest_0.6.14   
[17] tibble_1.4.1     evaluate_0.10.1  rmarkdown_1.8    labeling_0.3    
[21] stringi_1.1.6    compiler_3.4.3   pillar_1.1.0     scales_0.5.0    
[25] backports_1.1.2 

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