Last updated: 2018-04-20

Code version: e96adb1

Setup R environment

library(here) # for tracking working directory

Day 1

1. schools

london <- read.table(here("data", "school.dat"), header = T)
'data.frame':   4059 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ school  : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ student : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ normexam: num  0.261 0.134 -1.724 0.968 0.544 ...
 $ standlrt: num  0.619 0.206 -1.365 0.206 0.371 ...
 $ gender  : int  1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ...
 $ schgend : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ avslrt  : num  0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 ...
 $ schav   : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ vrband  : int  1 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 ...

First clean up the data a bit so that factor variables are coded as such

factor_vars <- c("gender", "schgend", "schav")
london %<>% mutate_at(vars(factor_vars), funs(as.factor))

All data

london %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = normexam, x = standlrt)) + 

Linear model

london %>%
  lm(normexam ~ standlrt, data = .) %>%

lm(formula = normexam ~ standlrt, data = .)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.65617 -0.51847  0.01265  0.54397  2.97399 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -0.001195   0.012642  -0.095    0.925    
standlrt     0.595055   0.012730  46.744   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.8054 on 4057 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:   0.35, Adjusted R-squared:  0.3499 
F-statistic:  2185 on 1 and 4057 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Get individual scatterplots

london %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = normexam, x = standlrt)) + 
  geom_point() +

Perform lm in each school

We can use split from base R and combine this with map to apply lm to each element of the list

coefs <- london %>%
  split(f = .[["school"]]) %>%
  map(function(data) lm(normexam~standlrt, data = data)) %>%
coefs %>%
  group_by(term) %>%
  summarize(mean(estimate), sd(estimate))
# A tibble: 2 x 3
  term        `mean(estimate)` `sd(estimate)`
  <chr>                  <dbl>          <dbl>
1 (Intercept)          -0.0681          0.519
2 standlrt              0.425           0.939

Here is a nice way of doing this with purrr, tidyr and dplyr (completely tidyverse)

london_nested <- london %>% group_by(school) %>% nest()

get_coef <- function(coefs, coef = "(Intercept)") {
  coefs[coefs$term == coef, "estimate"]

london_nested %>%
  mutate(fit = map(data, ~lm(normexam~standlrt, data = .x)),
         coefs = map(fit, tidy),
         intercept = as.numeric(map(coefs, ~get_coef(.x))),
         slope     = as.numeric(map(coefs, ~get_coef(.x, "standlrt")))) %>%
  summarize_at(vars(intercept, slope), funs(mean, sd))
# A tibble: 1 x 4
  intercept_mean slope_mean intercept_sd slope_sd
           <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>
1        -0.0681      0.425        0.519    0.939

Using data.table

.. and broom::tidy in 1 throw

coefs <- london[, {
  fit = lm(normexam ~ standlrt, data = .SD)
  }, by = "school"]
coefs[, list(mean = mean(estimate), sd = sd(estimate)), by = "term"]
          term        mean        sd
1: (Intercept) -0.06812356 0.5191847
2:    standlrt  0.42457747 0.9394058

.. with step of list of fits

fits <- london[, list(fit = list(lm(normexam ~ standlrt, data = .SD))), 
               by = "school"]
fits[[2]] %>% 
  map_df(tidy) %>%
  group_by(term) %>%
  summarize(mean(estimate), sd(estimate))
# A tibble: 2 x 3
  term        `mean(estimate)` `sd(estimate)`
  <chr>                  <dbl>          <dbl>
1 (Intercept)          -0.0681          0.519
2 standlrt              0.425           0.939


Continue with reproducing the analysis of the schools dataset (school.dat or school.sav) so far.


Fit a linear mixed model with random intercept to predict exam scores using the LRT scores.

fit0 <- lm(normexam ~ standlrt, data = london)

fit1 <- lmer(normexam ~ standlrt + (1 | school), data = london, REML = F)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: normexam ~ standlrt + (1 | school)
   Data: london
      AIC       BIC    logLik  deviance  df.resid 
 9365.213  9390.447 -4678.606  9357.213      4055 
Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Std.Dev.
 school   (Intercept) 0.3035  
 Residual             0.7521  
Number of obs: 4059, groups:  school, 65
Fixed Effects:
(Intercept)     standlrt  
   0.002387     0.563370  


Add a random slope to the model in (a). Interpret this model.

fit2 <- lmer(normexam ~ standlrt + (standlrt | school), data = london, REML = F)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: normexam ~ standlrt + (standlrt | school)
   Data: london
      AIC       BIC    logLik  deviance  df.resid 
 9328.840  9366.693 -4658.420  9316.840      4053 
Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Std.Dev. Corr
 school   (Intercept) 0.3007       
          standlrt    0.1206   0.50
 Residual             0.7441       
Number of obs: 4059, groups:  school, 65
Fixed Effects:
(Intercept)     standlrt  
   -0.01151      0.55673  

On average, children with average baseline score, score avarage on the normalized exams. There is a positive correlation with baseline score and normalized exam. Schools differ in overall normalized exam scores, and the correlation between baseline score and normalized exam score differs between schools

anova(fit2, fit1)
Data: london
fit1: normexam ~ standlrt + (1 | school)
fit2: normexam ~ standlrt + (standlrt | school)
     Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)    
fit1  4 9365.2 9390.4 -4678.6   9357.2                             
fit2  6 9328.8 9366.7 -4658.4   9316.8 40.372      2  1.711e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


Finish the analysis of the schools dataset (school.dat or school.sav).


Add child- and school-level explanatory variables. Interpret the model.

lmer(normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + schav + (standlrt | school), data = london,
     REML = F) %>% 
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + schav + (standlrt |  
   Data: london

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  9300.4   9369.8  -4639.2   9278.4     4048 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.8339 -0.6343  0.0231  0.6768  3.4136 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
 school   (Intercept) 0.07077  0.2660       
          standlrt    0.01470  0.1213   0.50
 Residual             0.55016  0.7417       
Number of obs: 4059, groups:  school, 65

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) -0.26477    0.08152  -3.248
standlrt     0.55155    0.02005  27.506
gender1      0.16713    0.03382   4.942
schgend2     0.18697    0.09769   1.914
schgend3     0.15702    0.07774   2.020
schav2       0.06689    0.08528   0.784
schav3       0.17427    0.09868   1.766

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
         (Intr) stndlr gendr1 schgn2 schgn3 schav2
standlrt  0.205                                   
gender1  -0.182 -0.037                            
schgend2 -0.340  0.002  0.157                     
schgend3 -0.253  0.025 -0.235  0.230              
schav2   -0.761 -0.035 -0.014  0.061  0.000       
schav3   -0.648 -0.080 -0.018  0.061 -0.083  0.622


For the model in (a), we will write a brief description of the statistical model used. Fill in the blanks:

“A linear mixed effects model was estimated, using fixed effects for baseline score, gender, school gender and school average; A random intercept and a random effect of baseline score per school were added to correct for clustering on school level.”


Part c of this question will be used in the quiz this afternoon. Please save or print the output and have it on hand (together with this exercise) when you complete the quiz.

A multi-center, randomized, double-blind clinical trial was done to compare two treatments for hypertension. One treatment was a new drug (1 = Carvedilol) and the other was a standard drug for controlling hypertension (2 = Nifedipine). Twenty-nine centers participated in the trial and patients were randomized in order of entry. One pre-randomization and four post-treatment visits were made. Here, we will concentrate on the last recorded measurement of diastolic blood pressure (primary endpoint: dbp). The data can be found in the SPSS data file dbplast.sav. Read the data into R or SPSS. The research question is which of the two medicines (treat) is more effective in reducing DBP. Since baseline (pre-randomization) DBP (dbp) will likely be associated with post-treatment DBP and will reduce the variation in the outcome (thereby increasing our power to detect a treatment effect), we wish to include it here as a covariate.

Read in the data

bp <- haven::read_spss(here("data", "dbplast.sav"))
Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':   193 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ patient: atomic  3 4 5 7 8 9 10 13 14 18 ...
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F7.0"
 $ center : atomic  5 5 29 3 3 3 3 36 36 36 ...
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F8.0"
 $ dbp    : atomic  109 87 85 100 80 90 100 80 85 100 ...
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F10.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 10
 $ dbp1   : atomic  117 100 105 114 105 100 102 100 100 100 ...
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F8.0"
 $ treat  : atomic  2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 ...
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F8.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 10


factor_vars <- c("center", "patient", "treat")
bp %<>% mutate_at(vars(factor_vars), funs(as.factor))


Make some plots to describe the patterns of the data.

    patient        center        dbp              dbp1       treat  
 3      :  1   1      :27   Min.   : 70.00   Min.   : 95.0   1:100  
 4      :  1   31     :24   1st Qu.: 85.00   1st Qu.:100.0   2: 93  
 5      :  1   14     :16   Median : 90.00   Median :102.0          
 7      :  1   36     :15   Mean   : 91.05   Mean   :102.7          
 8      :  1   7      :12   3rd Qu.: 98.00   3rd Qu.:105.0          
 9      :  1   5      : 9   Max.   :140.00   Max.   :120.0          
 (Other):187   (Other):90                                           

First scatter plot an pre-and post bp;

Let’s assume that dbp1 = pre

bp %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = dbp1, y = dbp)) + 

Now per treatment

bp %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = dbp1, y = dbp)) + 
  geom_point() + 

Look at marginal distributions per treatment

bp %>% %>%
  data.table::melt(id.vars = c("patient", "treat"), measure.vars = c("dbp", "dbp1")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = 1, y = value, fill = treat)) + 
  geom_boxplot(alpha = .5) + 


Fit a model to answer the research question, using maximum likelihood estimation, taking into account that patients within centers may have correlated data. Interpret the coefficients of the model.

lmer(dbp ~ dbp1 + treat + (1 | center), data = bp, REML = F) %>%
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: dbp ~ dbp1 + treat + (1 | center)
   Data: bp

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  1393.7   1410.1   -691.9   1383.7      188 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.1666 -0.7244 -0.0745  0.5536  5.0417 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 center   (Intercept)  7.98    2.825   
 Residual             70.67    8.406   
Number of obs: 193, groups:  center, 27

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  74.1014    13.5245   5.479
dbp1          0.1747     0.1306   1.338
treat2       -1.1179     1.2205  -0.916

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
       (Intr) dbp1  
dbp1   -0.997       
treat2 -0.122  0.080


Make a new baseline dbp variable, centered around its mean. Re-fit the model in (b) using the centered baseline blood pressure variable, using maximum likelihood estimation, and interpret the parameters of this new model.

fit <- bp %>%
  mutate(dbp_center = dbp1 - mean(dbp1)) %>%
  lmer(dbp ~ dbp_center + treat + (1 | center), data = ., REML = F)

fit %>%
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: dbp ~ dbp_center + treat + (1 | center)
   Data: .

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  1393.7   1410.1   -691.9   1383.7      188 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.1666 -0.7244 -0.0745  0.5536  5.0417 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 center   (Intercept)  7.98    2.825   
 Residual             70.67    8.406   
Number of obs: 193, groups:  center, 27

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  92.0438     1.0566   87.11
dbp_center    0.1747     0.1306    1.34
treat2       -1.1179     1.2205   -0.92

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
           (Intr) dbp_cn
dbp_center -0.068       
treat2     -0.548  0.080


In a small crossover study two drugs, A and B, are compared for their effect on the diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Each patient in the study receives the two treatments in a random order and separated in time (“wash-out” period) so that one treatment does not influence the blood pressure measurement obtained after administering the other treatment (i.e. to rule out carry-over effect) . The data are given in the data file crossover.sav and crossover.dat.

Note that subject 4 has only the measurement for drug A and that subject 16 has only the measurement for drug B.

Read in data and curate

bpco <- read.table(here("data", "crossover.dat"), header = T)

bpco %<>% 

factor_vars <- c("period", "drug")

bpco %<>% mutate_at(vars(factor_vars), funs(as.factor))

'data.frame':   36 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ patient: int  1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 ...
 $ period : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ drug   : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
 $ y      : int  100 112 116 114 108 110 104 114 114 98 ...


Use descriptive statistics to get a feel for the data. Which drug seems to be better at reducing DBP?

bpco[, list(mean_bp = mean(y)), by = "drug,period"]
   drug period  mean_bp
1:    1      1 105.2222
2:    2      2 113.0000
3:    2      1 114.3750
4:    1      2 103.7778

Drug 1 seems to reduce blood pressure, while drug 2 seems to increase.

In a spaghetti plot

bpco %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = drug, y = y, group = patient)) + 
  geom_line(alpha = .8) + theme_minimal()


Fit a model to the data, looking at drug and period effect and correcting for the fact that (most) patients have more than one DBP measurement. Which variable(s) do you choose as random?

fit <- lmer(y ~ drug + period + (1 | patient), data = bpco, REML = F)
fit %>% summary()
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: y ~ drug + period + (1 | patient)
   Data: bpco

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   280.7    288.6   -135.3    270.7       31 

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.28988 -0.42035 -0.02943  0.44467  1.49483 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 patient  (Intercept) 80.65    8.981   
 Residual             52.95    7.277   
Number of obs: 36, groups:  patient, 19

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  104.955      2.983   35.18
drug2          9.360      2.471    3.79
period2       -1.250      2.474   -0.51

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
        (Intr) drug2 
drug2   -0.388       
period2 -0.427 -0.058


Interpret the results of the model. Is there a significant difference between the two drugs? Is there a significant period effect?

Drug 2 seems to increase blood pressure (be less effective)

Perdiod effect is negative, which could indicate regression to the mean (participants are included when having a (sometimes random) high blood pressure)

For significance:

                2.5 %     97.5 %
.sig01       5.175850  13.883011
.sigma       5.401934  10.524648
(Intercept) 98.926994 110.967097
drug2        4.230320  14.449692
period2     -6.383679   3.846716

Yes from profile likelihood intervals, therapy difference is significant, but not period


What other hypothesis might we want to test here?

maybe interaction between drug and period?


A secondary question regarding the school exam data (exercises 1 & 2) was proposed in the lecture. Use SPSS or R (or both) to address the question: is the difference between boys and girls the same for single-sex and mixed-gender schools? (Note: you’ll need to make a new variable for single-gender (schgend = 2 or 3) vs mixed-gender (schgend = 1) schools before proceeding with the analysis.)

london %>%
  mutate(mixed_school = schgend == 1) %>%
  lmer(normexam ~ standlrt + gender * mixed_school + schav + (standlrt | school), data = .,
     REML = F) %>% 
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
normexam ~ standlrt + gender * mixed_school + schav + (standlrt |  
   Data: .

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  9300.4   9369.8  -4639.2   9278.4     4048 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.8339 -0.6343  0.0231  0.6768  3.4136 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
 school   (Intercept) 0.07077  0.2660       
          standlrt    0.01470  0.1213   0.50
 Residual             0.55016  0.7417       
Number of obs: 4059, groups:  school, 65

Fixed effects:
                         Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)              -0.07780    0.10380  -0.749
standlrt                  0.55155    0.02005  27.506
gender1                   0.13718    0.10472   1.310
mixed_schoolTRUE         -0.18697    0.09769  -1.914
schav2                    0.06689    0.08528   0.784
schav3                    0.17427    0.09868   1.766
gender1:mixed_schoolTRUE  0.02995    0.10997   0.272

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) stndlr gendr1 m_TRUE schav2 schav3
standlrt     0.162                                   
gender1     -0.614  0.006                            
mxd_schTRUE -0.674 -0.002  0.711                     
schav2      -0.540 -0.035 -0.061 -0.061              
schav3      -0.451 -0.080 -0.124 -0.061  0.622       
gndr1:_TRUE  0.586 -0.017 -0.952 -0.726  0.054  0.113

In the mixed school, there seems to be no difference between genders

7. (Challenge)

Tomorrow we will spend the morning session examining different ways of analyzing the Reisby dataset. This is a longitudinal dataset on 66 patients with endogenous or exogenous depression. Patients are measured every week starting at baseline; from week 1 on, they were all treated with imipramine. The outcome is the score on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), a score based on a questionnaire administered by a health care professional. The score ranges - theoretically - from 0 (no depressive symptoms) to 52, where scores higher than 20 indicate moderate to very severe depression. The questions of interest are how the HDRS score changes over time for the patients, and whether the patterns of HDRS over time differ for patients with endogenous and exogenous depression. The data is available in both a “wide” and a “long” format: reisby_wide.sav and reisby_long.sav .

Read in data and curate

reisby_wide <- haven::read_spss(here("data", "reisby_wide.sav"))
reisby_long <- haven::read_spss(here("data", "reisby_long.sav"))

factor_vars <- c("id")
logical_vars <- c("endo")

reisby_wide %<>% mutate_at(vars(factor_vars), funs(as.factor))
reisby_long %<>% mutate_at(vars(factor_vars), funs(as.factor))
reisby_wide %<>% mutate_at(vars(logical_vars), funs(as.logical))
reisby_long %<>% mutate_at(vars(logical_vars), funs(as.logical))

Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':   66 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ id    : Factor w/ 66 levels "101","103","104",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ hdrs.0: atomic  26 33 29 22 21 21 21 21 NA NA ...
  ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "hdrs.0:"
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F2.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 6
 $ hdrs.1: atomic  22 24 22 12 25 21 22 23 17 16 ...
  ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "hdrs.1:"
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F2.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 6
 $ hdrs.2: atomic  18 15 18 16 23 16 11 19 11 16 ...
  ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "hdrs.2:"
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F2.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 6
 $ hdrs.3: atomic  7 24 13 16 18 19 9 23 13 16 ...
  ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "hdrs.3:"
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F2.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 6
 $ hdrs.4: atomic  4 15 19 13 20 NA 9 23 7 16 ...
  ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "hdrs.4:"
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F2.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 6
 $ hdrs.5: atomic  3 13 0 9 NA 6 7 NA 7 11 ...
  ..- attr(*, "label")= chr "hdrs.5:"
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F2.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 6
Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':   396 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ id  : Factor w/ 66 levels "101","103","104",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ hdrs: atomic  26 22 18 7 4 3 33 24 15 24 ...
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F2.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 6
 $ week: atomic  0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 ...
  ..- attr(*, "format.spss")= chr "F1.0"
  ..- attr(*, "display_width")= int 6


We heard this morning that longitudinal data is also multi-level data. How many levels do we have here? What does each level represent?

Level 1: patient + timepoint Level 2: patient


Use descriptive statistics (means, SDs, graphs) to get a feel for the data, concentrating on the patterns (individual and/or group) of HDRS over time (note that there are two versions of the dataset given, one “wide” and one “long”. For some graphs and descriptive statistics, one version may be easier to use than the other.

Let’s look at spaghetti plots

reisby_long %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = week, y = hdrs, group = id)) + 
  geom_line() + facet_wrap(~endo, labeller = label_both)
Warning: Removed 13 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

All seem to go down.

Slope seems pretty similar for both treatments, but not intercept

c. What do you notice about the mean HDRS score over time? And the variation?

Mean goes down, sd seems to go up

reisby_long[, list(n_patients = uniqueN(id),
                   mean_hdrs = mean(hdrs, na.rm = T), 
                   sd_hdrs = sd(hdrs, na.rm = T)), 
            by = "week"]
   week n_patients mean_hdrs  sd_hdrs
1:    0         66  23.44262 4.533301
2:    1         66  21.84127 4.697997
3:    2         66  18.30769 5.485558
4:    3         66  16.41538 6.415051
5:    4         66  13.61905 6.970973
6:    5         66  11.94828 7.219424


Time was measured at 6 discrete moments. How would you want to incorporate time in the fixed part of the model: as discrete or continuous? Explain your answer.

Probably as continous, all moments are equally spaced. This requires less degrees of freedom


If you were to include a random intercept in the model, for which level would you include an intercept?



Do you think it is necessary to include time in the random part of the model? Why or why not?

Does not make a lot of sense.

It’s not like the time-points are a random draw of all possible time-points to measure at

Day 2


Repeat the linear mixed models analyses of the Reisby dataset, using time as a continuous variable. There are two versions of the dataset: “wide format” (reisby_wide.sav), meaning that all observations are in separate rows, and “long format” (reisby_long.sav), with observations from different time points on a separate line (so 6 lines per patient). Some of the descriptive analyses are easier to do when the data is in “wide format”, and others when the data is in “long format”. The mixed models need to be run on the data in “long” format. R users can use the foreign library to read in reisby_wide.sav, and either also read in the reisby_long.sav dataset or use the reshape() function to go from wide to long (see R script for help).

  1. Do some initial data analysis: get descriptive statistics and make plots of the data (note that most of the descriptive statistics – means, SDs, correlations – are easier to get in the wide version of the data, while the spaghetti plots and individual plots are easier to get from the wide version.

See above


Can you think of a few possible hypotheses about the effect of endo?

Different intercept, different slope


Repeat the mixed model analyses of the Reisby dataset: model depression score (HDRS) as a function of time (linear), endo/exo and the interaction of the two. Use a model with only a random intercept per patient, and a model with a random intercept plus a random slope for time.

lmer(hdrs ~ week * endo + (1|id), data = reisby_long) %>% summary()
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: hdrs ~ week * endo + (1 | id)
   Data: reisby_long

REML criterion at convergence: 2282.5

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.1782 -0.5924 -0.0329  0.5360  3.4763 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 id       (Intercept) 15.85    3.981   
 Residual             19.16    4.377   
Number of obs: 375, groups:  id, 66

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)   22.44118    0.95060  23.607
week          -2.35168    0.19866 -11.838
endoTRUE       1.99303    1.27877   1.559
week:endoTRUE -0.04417    0.27147  -0.163

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) week   enTRUE
week        -0.520              
endoTRUE    -0.743  0.386       
week:ndTRUE  0.380 -0.732 -0.526
lmer(hdrs ~ week * endo + (week|id), data = reisby_long) %>% summary()
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: hdrs ~ week * endo + (week | id)
   Data: reisby_long

REML criterion at convergence: 2214

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.7242 -0.4948  0.0334  0.4935  3.6148 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
 id       (Intercept) 12.252   3.500         
          week         2.173   1.474    -0.29
 Residual             12.210   3.494         
Number of obs: 375, groups:  id, 66

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)    22.4760     0.8074  27.836
week           -2.3657     0.3170  -7.462
endoTRUE        1.9882     1.0864   1.830
week:endoTRUE  -0.0268     0.4264  -0.063

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) week   enTRUE
week        -0.452              
endoTRUE    -0.743  0.336       
week:ndTRUE  0.336 -0.743 -0.458


Which model from (d) do you think fits the data better, and why?

More terms always fits better according to likelihood.

The residual standard deviation of the model with random intercept and slope is lower, so seems to fit better


Interpret the second model from (c). f. Save your script/syntax for the next exercises!


Model the variance-covariance matrix for the Reisby dataset.


Try different covariance pattern models (CPM) and mixed models to capture the correlation present in the dataset.

First get the observed var-covar matrix

obs_vcov <- reisby_long %>%
  data.table::dcast(id ~ week, value.var = "hdrs") %>% %>% .[, -1] %>%
  var(., use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
          0         1        2        3         4         5
0 20.550820 10.114943 10.13870 10.08559  7.190865  6.277576
1 10.114943 22.071173 12.27684 12.55024 10.263661  7.719865
2 10.138701 12.276838 30.09135 25.12599 24.625595 18.384398
3 10.085593 12.550238 25.12599 41.15288 37.338974 23.991541
4  7.190865 10.263661 24.62559 37.33897 48.594470 30.512795
5  6.277576  7.719865 18.38440 23.99154 30.512795 52.120085
vcovs <- list(observed = obs_vcov)

obs_vcov %>% 
  data.table::melt() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) + 
  geom_tile() + scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse")

Create mean imputed dataframe which can be used with ANOVA (not done here)

mean_impute_vector <- function(x) {
  if (nna(x) == 0) return(x)
  x[] <- mean(x, na.rm = T)

mean_impute <- function(data) {
  n_missings <- nna(data)
  vars_with_missings <- names(n_missings)[n_missings > 0]
  if (length(vars_with_missings) == 0) return(data)
  data %>% mutate_at(vars(vars_with_missings), funs(mean_impute_vector))

reisby_imp <- mean_impute(reisby_long)

First model without dependence

fit0 <- lm(hdrs ~ week * endo, data = reisby_imp)
reisby_long %>%
  mutate(resid = residuals(fit0))
     id hdrs week  endo        resid
1   101   26    0 FALSE   3.66322058
2   101   22    1 FALSE   1.94839365
3   101   18    2 FALSE   0.23356672
4   101    7    3 FALSE  -8.48126021
5   101    4    4 FALSE  -9.19608714
6   101    3    5 FALSE  -7.91091407
7   103   33    0 FALSE  10.66322058
8   103   24    1 FALSE   3.94839365
9   103   15    2 FALSE  -2.76643328
10  103   24    3 FALSE   8.51873979
11  103   15    4 FALSE   1.80391286
12  103   13    5 FALSE   2.08908593
13  104   29    0  TRUE   5.20539854
14  104   22    1  TRUE   0.35056405
15  104   18    2  TRUE  -1.50427044
16  104   13    3  TRUE  -4.35910493
17  104   19    4  TRUE   3.78606057
18  104    0    5  TRUE -13.06877392
19  105   22    0 FALSE  -0.33677942
20  105   12    1 FALSE  -8.05160635
21  105   16    2 FALSE  -1.76643328
22  105   16    3 FALSE   0.51873979
23  105   13    4 FALSE  -0.19608714
24  105    9    5 FALSE  -1.91091407
25  106   21    0  TRUE  -2.79460146
26  106   25    1  TRUE   3.35056405
27  106   23    2  TRUE   3.49572956
28  106   18    3  TRUE   0.64089507
29  106   20    4  TRUE   4.78606057
30  106   NA    5  TRUE   4.56855942
31  107   21    0  TRUE  -2.79460146
32  107   21    1  TRUE  -0.64943595
33  107   16    2  TRUE  -3.50427044
34  107   19    3  TRUE   1.64089507
35  107   NA    4  TRUE   2.42339391
36  107    6    5  TRUE  -7.06877392
37  108   21    0  TRUE  -2.79460146
38  108   22    1  TRUE   0.35056405
39  108   11    2  TRUE  -8.50427044
40  108    9    3  TRUE  -8.35910493
41  108    9    4  TRUE  -6.21393943
42  108    7    5  TRUE  -6.06877392
43  113   21    0 FALSE  -1.33677942
44  113   23    1 FALSE   2.94839365
45  113   19    2 FALSE   1.23356672
46  113   23    3 FALSE   7.51873979
47  113   23    4 FALSE   9.80391286
48  113   NA    5 FALSE   6.72641927
49  114   NA    0 FALSE  -4.69944609
50  114   17    1 FALSE  -3.05160635
51  114   11    2 FALSE  -6.76643328
52  114   13    3 FALSE  -2.48126021
53  114    7    4 FALSE  -6.19608714
54  114    7    5 FALSE  -3.91091407
55  115   NA    0  TRUE  -6.15726813
56  115   16    1  TRUE  -5.64943595
57  115   16    2  TRUE  -3.50427044
58  115   16    3  TRUE  -1.35910493
59  115   16    4  TRUE   0.78606057
60  115   11    5  TRUE  -2.06877392
61  117   19    0  TRUE  -4.79460146
62  117   16    1  TRUE  -5.64943595
63  117   13    2  TRUE  -6.50427044
64  117   12    3  TRUE  -5.35910493
65  117    7    4  TRUE  -8.21393943
66  117    6    5  TRUE  -7.06877392
67  118   NA    0  TRUE  -6.15726813
68  118   26    1  TRUE   4.35056405
69  118   18    2  TRUE  -1.50427044
70  118   18    3  TRUE   0.64089507
71  118   14    4  TRUE  -1.21393943
72  118   11    5  TRUE  -2.06877392
73  120   20    0 FALSE  -2.33677942
74  120   19    1 FALSE  -1.05160635
75  120   17    2 FALSE  -0.76643328
76  120   18    3 FALSE   2.51873979
77  120   16    4 FALSE   2.80391286
78  120   17    5 FALSE   6.08908593
79  121   20    0 FALSE  -2.33677942
80  121   22    1 FALSE   1.94839365
81  121   19    2 FALSE   1.23356672
82  121   19    3 FALSE   3.51873979
83  121   12    4 FALSE  -1.19608714
84  121   14    5 FALSE   3.08908593
85  123   15    0 FALSE  -7.33677942
86  123   15    1 FALSE  -5.05160635
87  123   15    2 FALSE  -2.76643328
88  123   13    3 FALSE  -2.48126021
89  123    5    4 FALSE  -8.19608714
90  123    5    5 FALSE  -5.91091407
91  501   29    0  TRUE   5.20539854
92  501   30    1  TRUE   8.35056405
93  501   26    2  TRUE   6.49572956
94  501   22    3  TRUE   4.64089507
95  501   19    4  TRUE   3.78606057
96  501   24    5  TRUE  10.93122608
97  502   21    0  TRUE  -2.79460146
98  502   22    1  TRUE   0.35056405
99  502   13    2  TRUE  -6.50427044
100 502   11    3  TRUE  -6.35910493
101 502    2    4  TRUE -13.21393943
102 502    1    5  TRUE -12.06877392
103 504   19    0 FALSE  -3.33677942
104 504   17    1 FALSE  -3.05160635
105 504   15    2 FALSE  -2.76643328
106 504   16    3 FALSE   0.51873979
107 504   12    4 FALSE  -1.19608714
108 504   12    5 FALSE   1.08908593
109 505   21    0 FALSE  -1.33677942
110 505   11    1 FALSE  -9.05160635
111 505   18    2 FALSE   0.23356672
112 505    0    3 FALSE -15.48126021
113 505    0    4 FALSE -13.19608714
114 505    4    5 FALSE  -6.91091407
115 507   27    0  TRUE   3.20539854
116 507   26    1  TRUE   4.35056405
117 507   26    2  TRUE   6.49572956
118 507   25    3  TRUE   7.64089507
119 507   24    4  TRUE   8.78606057
120 507   19    5  TRUE   5.93122608
121 603   28    0 FALSE   5.66322058
122 603   22    1 FALSE   1.94839365
123 603   18    2 FALSE   0.23356672
124 603   20    3 FALSE   4.51873979
125 603   11    4 FALSE  -2.19608714
126 603   13    5 FALSE   2.08908593
127 604   27    0 FALSE   4.66322058
128 604   27    1 FALSE   6.94839365
129 604   13    2 FALSE  -4.76643328
130 604    5    3 FALSE -10.48126021
131 604    7    4 FALSE  -6.19608714
132 604   NA    5 FALSE   6.72641927
133 606   19    0  TRUE  -4.79460146
134 606   33    1  TRUE  11.35056405
135 606   12    2  TRUE  -7.50427044
136 606   12    3  TRUE  -5.35910493
137 606    3    4  TRUE -12.21393943
138 606    1    5  TRUE -12.06877392
139 607   30    0  TRUE   6.20539854
140 607   39    1  TRUE  17.35056405
141 607   30    2  TRUE  10.49572956
142 607   27    3  TRUE   9.64089507
143 607   20    4  TRUE   4.78606057
144 607    4    5  TRUE  -9.06877392
145 608   24    0 FALSE   1.66322058
146 608   19    1 FALSE  -1.05160635
147 608   14    2 FALSE  -3.76643328
148 608   12    3 FALSE  -3.48126021
149 608    3    4 FALSE -10.19608714
150 608    4    5 FALSE  -6.91091407
151 609   NA    0  TRUE  -6.15726813
152 609   25    1  TRUE   3.35056405
153 609   22    2  TRUE   2.49572956
154 609   14    3  TRUE  -3.35910493
155 609   15    4  TRUE  -0.21393943
156 609    2    5  TRUE -11.06877392
157 610   34    0  TRUE  10.20539854
158 610   NA    1  TRUE  -4.01210262
159 610   33    2  TRUE  13.49572956
160 610   23    3  TRUE   5.64089507
161 610   NA    4  TRUE   2.42339391
162 610   11    5  TRUE  -2.06877392
163 302   18    0  TRUE  -5.79460146
164 302   22    1  TRUE   0.35056405
165 302   16    2  TRUE  -3.50427044
166 302    8    3  TRUE  -9.35910493
167 302    9    4  TRUE  -6.21393943
168 302   12    5  TRUE  -1.06877392
169 303   21    0 FALSE  -1.33677942
170 303   21    1 FALSE   0.94839365
171 303   13    2 FALSE  -4.76643328
172 303   14    3 FALSE  -1.48126021
173 303   10    4 FALSE  -3.19608714
174 303    5    5 FALSE  -5.91091407
175 304   21    0  TRUE  -2.79460146
176 304   27    1  TRUE   5.35056405
177 304   29    2  TRUE   9.49572956
178 304   NA    3  TRUE   0.27822840
179 304   12    4  TRUE  -3.21393943
180 304   24    5  TRUE  10.93122608
181 305   19    0 FALSE  -3.33677942
182 305   17    1 FALSE  -3.05160635
183 305   15    2 FALSE  -2.76643328
184 305   11    3 FALSE  -4.48126021
185 305    5    4 FALSE  -8.19608714
186 305    1    5 FALSE  -9.91091407
187 308   22    0 FALSE  -0.33677942
188 308   21    1 FALSE   0.94839365
189 308   18    2 FALSE   0.23356672
190 308   17    3 FALSE   1.51873979
191 308   12    4 FALSE  -1.19608714
192 308   11    5 FALSE   0.08908593
193 309   22    0 FALSE  -0.33677942
194 309   22    1 FALSE   1.94839365
195 309   16    2 FALSE  -1.76643328
196 309   19    3 FALSE   3.51873979
197 309   20    4 FALSE   6.80391286
198 309   11    5 FALSE   0.08908593
199 310   24    0  TRUE   0.20539854
200 310   19    1  TRUE  -2.64943595
201 310   11    2  TRUE  -8.50427044
202 310    7    3  TRUE -10.35910493
203 310    6    4  TRUE  -9.21393943
204 310   NA    5  TRUE   4.56855942
205 311   20    0  TRUE  -3.79460146
206 311   16    1  TRUE  -5.64943595
207 311   21    2  TRUE   1.49572956
208 311   17    3  TRUE  -0.35910493
209 311   NA    4  TRUE   2.42339391
210 311   15    5  TRUE   1.93122608
211 312   17    0  TRUE  -6.79460146
212 312   NA    1  TRUE  -4.01210262
213 312   18    2  TRUE  -1.50427044
214 312   17    3  TRUE  -0.35910493
215 312   17    4  TRUE   1.78606057
216 312    6    5  TRUE  -7.06877392
217 313   21    0 FALSE  -1.33677942
218 313   19    1 FALSE  -1.05160635
219 313   10    2 FALSE  -7.76643328
220 313   11    3 FALSE  -4.48126021
221 313   11    4 FALSE  -2.19608714
222 313    8    5 FALSE  -2.91091407
223 315   27    0  TRUE   3.20539854
224 315   21    1  TRUE  -0.64943595
225 315   17    2  TRUE  -2.50427044
226 315   13    3  TRUE  -4.35910493
227 315    5    4  TRUE -10.21393943
228 315   NA    5  TRUE   4.56855942
229 316   32    0  TRUE   8.20539854
230 316   26    1  TRUE   4.35056405
231 316   23    2  TRUE   3.49572956
232 316   26    3  TRUE   8.64089507
233 316   23    4  TRUE   7.78606057
234 316   24    5  TRUE  10.93122608
235 318   17    0  TRUE  -6.79460146
236 318   18    1  TRUE  -3.64943595
237 318   19    2  TRUE  -0.50427044
238 318   21    3  TRUE   3.64089507
239 318   17    4  TRUE   1.78606057
240 318   11    5  TRUE  -2.06877392
241 319   24    0  TRUE   0.20539854
242 319   18    1  TRUE  -3.64943595
243 319   10    2  TRUE  -9.50427044
244 319   14    3  TRUE  -3.35910493
245 319   13    4  TRUE  -2.21393943
246 319   12    5  TRUE  -1.06877392
247 322   28    0  TRUE   4.20539854
248 322   21    1  TRUE  -0.64943595
249 322   25    2  TRUE   5.49572956
250 322   32    3  TRUE  14.64089507
251 322   34    4  TRUE  18.78606057
252 322   NA    5  TRUE   4.56855942
253 327   17    0 FALSE  -5.33677942
254 327   18    1 FALSE  -2.05160635
255 327   15    2 FALSE  -2.76643328
256 327    8    3 FALSE  -7.48126021
257 327   19    4 FALSE   5.80391286
258 327   17    5 FALSE   6.08908593
259 328   22    0 FALSE  -0.33677942
260 328   24    1 FALSE   3.94839365
261 328   28    2 FALSE  10.23356672
262 328   26    3 FALSE  10.51873979
263 328   28    4 FALSE  14.80391286
264 328   29    5 FALSE  18.08908593
265 331   19    0 FALSE  -3.33677942
266 331   21    1 FALSE   0.94839365
267 331   18    2 FALSE   0.23356672
268 331   16    3 FALSE   0.51873979
269 331   14    4 FALSE   0.80391286
270 331   10    5 FALSE  -0.91091407
271 333   23    0 FALSE   0.66322058
272 333   20    1 FALSE  -0.05160635
273 333   21    2 FALSE   3.23356672
274 333   20    3 FALSE   4.51873979
275 333   24    4 FALSE  10.80391286
276 333   14    5 FALSE   3.08908593
277 334   31    0 FALSE   8.66322058
278 334   25    1 FALSE   4.94839365
279 334   NA    2 FALSE  -0.12909995
280 334    7    3 FALSE  -8.48126021
281 334    8    4 FALSE  -5.19608714
282 334   11    5 FALSE   0.08908593
283 335   21    0 FALSE  -1.33677942
284 335   21    1 FALSE   0.94839365
285 335   18    2 FALSE   0.23356672
286 335   15    3 FALSE  -0.48126021
287 335   12    4 FALSE  -1.19608714
288 335   10    5 FALSE  -0.91091407
289 337   27    0 FALSE   4.66322058
290 337   22    1 FALSE   1.94839365
291 337   23    2 FALSE   5.23356672
292 337   21    3 FALSE   5.51873979
293 337   12    4 FALSE  -1.19608714
294 337   13    5 FALSE   2.08908593
295 338   22    0 FALSE  -0.33677942
296 338   20    1 FALSE  -0.05160635
297 338   22    2 FALSE   4.23356672
298 338   23    3 FALSE   7.51873979
299 338   19    4 FALSE   5.80391286
300 338   18    5 FALSE   7.08908593
301 339   27    0  TRUE   3.20539854
302 339   NA    1  TRUE  -4.01210262
303 339   14    2  TRUE  -5.50427044
304 339   12    3  TRUE  -5.35910493
305 339   11    4  TRUE  -4.21393943
306 339   12    5  TRUE  -1.06877392
307 344   NA    0  TRUE  -6.15726813
308 344   21    1  TRUE  -0.64943595
309 344   12    2  TRUE  -7.50427044
310 344   13    3  TRUE  -4.35910493
311 344   13    4  TRUE  -2.21393943
312 344   18    5  TRUE   4.93122608
313 345   29    0 FALSE   6.66322058
314 345   27    1 FALSE   6.94839365
315 345   27    2 FALSE   9.23356672
316 345   22    3 FALSE   6.51873979
317 345   22    4 FALSE   8.80391286
318 345   23    5 FALSE  12.08908593
319 346   25    0  TRUE   1.20539854
320 346   24    1  TRUE   2.35056405
321 346   19    2  TRUE  -0.50427044
322 346   23    3  TRUE   5.64089507
323 346   14    4  TRUE  -1.21393943
324 346   21    5  TRUE   7.93122608
325 347   18    0  TRUE  -5.79460146
326 347   15    1  TRUE  -6.64943595
327 347   14    2  TRUE  -5.50427044
328 347   10    3  TRUE  -7.35910493
329 347    8    4  TRUE  -7.21393943
330 347   NA    5  TRUE   4.56855942
331 348   24    0 FALSE   1.66322058
332 348   21    1 FALSE   0.94839365
333 348   12    2 FALSE  -5.76643328
334 348   13    3 FALSE  -2.48126021
335 348   12    4 FALSE  -1.19608714
336 348    5    5 FALSE  -5.91091407
337 349   17    0  TRUE  -6.79460146
338 349   19    1  TRUE  -2.64943595
339 349   15    2  TRUE  -4.50427044
340 349   12    3  TRUE  -5.35910493
341 349    9    4  TRUE  -6.21393943
342 349   13    5  TRUE  -0.06877392
343 350   22    0 FALSE  -0.33677942
344 350   25    1 FALSE   4.94839365
345 350   12    2 FALSE  -5.76643328
346 350   16    3 FALSE   0.51873979
347 350   10    4 FALSE  -3.19608714
348 350   16    5 FALSE   5.08908593
349 351   30    0  TRUE   6.20539854
350 351   27    1  TRUE   5.35056405
351 351   23    2  TRUE   3.49572956
352 351   20    3  TRUE   2.64089507
353 351   12    4  TRUE  -3.21393943
354 351   11    5  TRUE  -2.06877392
355 352   21    0  TRUE  -2.79460146
356 352   19    1  TRUE  -2.64943595
357 352   18    2  TRUE  -1.50427044
358 352   15    3  TRUE  -2.35910493
359 352   18    4  TRUE   2.78606057
360 352   19    5  TRUE   5.93122608
361 353   27    0  TRUE   3.20539854
362 353   21    1  TRUE  -0.64943595
363 353   24    2  TRUE   4.49572956
364 353   22    3  TRUE   4.64089507
365 353   16    4  TRUE   0.78606057
366 353   11    5  TRUE  -2.06877392
367 354   28    0  TRUE   4.20539854
368 354   27    1  TRUE   5.35056405
369 354   27    2  TRUE   7.49572956
370 354   26    3  TRUE   8.64089507
371 354   23    4  TRUE   7.78606057
372 354   NA    5  TRUE   4.56855942
373 355   22    0  TRUE  -1.79460146
374 355   26    1  TRUE   4.35056405
375 355   20    2  TRUE   0.49572956
376 355   13    3  TRUE  -4.35910493
377 355   10    4  TRUE  -5.21393943
378 355    7    5  TRUE  -6.06877392
379 357   27    0  TRUE   3.20539854
380 357   22    1  TRUE   0.35056405
381 357   24    2  TRUE   4.49572956
382 357   25    3  TRUE   7.64089507
383 357   19    4  TRUE   3.78606057
384 357   19    5  TRUE   5.93122608
385 360   21    0  TRUE  -2.79460146
386 360   28    1  TRUE   6.35056405
387 360   27    2  TRUE   7.49572956
388 360   29    3  TRUE  11.64089507
389 360   28    4  TRUE  12.78606057
390 360   33    5  TRUE  19.93122608
391 361   30    0  TRUE   6.20539854
392 361   22    1  TRUE   0.35056405
393 361   11    2  TRUE  -8.50427044
394 361    8    3  TRUE  -9.35910493
395 361    7    4  TRUE  -8.21393943
396 361   19    5  TRUE   5.93122608
lme(fixed = hdrs ~ week * endo, random = ~ 1 | id, data = reisby_long,
    na.action = "na.omit", method = "ML") %>% summary()
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: reisby_long 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  2294.137 2317.699 -1141.069

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | id
        (Intercept) Residual
StdDev:    3.909812 4.362878

Fixed effects: hdrs ~ week * endo 
                  Value Std.Error  DF    t-value p-value
(Intercept)   22.441628 0.9441419 307  23.769337  0.0000
week          -2.351842 0.1990804 307 -11.813530  0.0000
endoTRUE       1.992873 1.2702442  64   1.568890  0.1216
week:endoTRUE -0.044176 0.2720416 307  -0.162387  0.8711
              (Intr) week   enTRUE
week          -0.524              
endoTRUE      -0.743  0.390       
week:endoTRUE  0.384 -0.732 -0.531

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-3.18214138 -0.59376247 -0.03548597  0.53988343  3.48261468 

Number of Observations: 375
Number of Groups: 66 

With independent compound symmetry structure

melt_vcov <- function(vcov) {
  if (is.list(vcov)) vcov = vcov[[1]]
  vcov %>%
    as.numeric() %>%
    matrix(., nrow = dim(vcov)[1]) %>%
    data.table::melt() %>%
    set_colnames(c("axis1", "axis2", "value"))
   axis1 axis2     value
1      1     1 20.550820
2      2     1 10.114943
3      3     1 10.138701
4      4     1 10.085593
5      5     1  7.190865
6      6     1  6.277576
7      1     2 10.114943
8      2     2 22.071173
9      3     2 12.276838
10     4     2 12.550238
11     5     2 10.263661
12     6     2  7.719865
13     1     3 10.138701
14     2     3 12.276838
15     3     3 30.091346
16     4     3 25.125992
17     5     3 24.625595
18     6     3 18.384398
19     1     4 10.085593
20     2     4 12.550238
21     3     4 25.125992
22     4     4 41.152885
23     5     4 37.338974
24     6     4 23.991541
25     1     5  7.190865
26     2     5 10.263661
27     3     5 24.625595
28     4     5 37.338974
29     5     5 48.594470
30     6     5 30.512795
31     1     6  6.277576
32     2     6  7.719865
33     3     6 18.384398
34     4     6 23.991541
35     5     6 30.512795
36     6     6 52.120085
fit_cs <- gls(hdrs ~ week*endo, correlation=corCompSymm(form = ~ 1 | id), data=reisby_long, na.action="na.omit", method="ML")
vcov_cs <- getVarCov(fit_cs, type = "marginal")
Marginal variance covariance matrix
       [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]
[1,] 34.321 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287
[2,] 15.287 34.321 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287
[3,] 15.287 15.287 34.321 15.287 15.287 15.287
[4,] 15.287 15.287 15.287 34.321 15.287 15.287
[5,] 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287 34.321 15.287
[6,] 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287 34.321
  Standard Deviations: 5.8584 5.8584 5.8584 5.8584 5.8584 5.8584 
fits <- list(compound_symmerty = fit_cs)
vcovs[["compound_symmerty"]] <- vcov_cs

With random intercept only

fit_ri <- lme(fixed = hdrs ~ week*endo, random = ~1|id, data = reisby_long,
              method = "ML", na.action = "na.omit")

vcov_ri <- getVarCov(fit_ri, type = "marginal")
id 101 
Marginal variance covariance matrix
       1      2      3      4      5      6
1 34.321 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287
2 15.287 34.321 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287
3 15.287 15.287 34.321 15.287 15.287 15.287
4 15.287 15.287 15.287 34.321 15.287 15.287
5 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287 34.321 15.287
6 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287 15.287 34.321
  Standard Deviations: 5.8584 5.8584 5.8584 5.8584 5.8584 5.8584 
vcovs[["random_intercept"]] <- vcov_ri
fits[["random_intercept"]] <- fit_ri

With autoregressive residual correlation structure

fit_ar <- gls(hdrs ~ week*endo, correlation = corAR1(form = ~1 | id),
              data = reisby_long, na.action = "na.omit", method = "ML")
vcov_ar <- getVarCov(fit_ar, type = "marginal")
Marginal variance covariance matrix
        [,1]    [,2]    [,3]    [,4]    [,5]    [,6]
[1,] 35.1560 22.7130 14.6740  9.4807  6.1252  3.9573
[2,] 22.7130 35.1560 22.7130 14.6740  9.4807  6.1252
[3,] 14.6740 22.7130 35.1560 22.7130 14.6740  9.4807
[4,]  9.4807 14.6740 22.7130 35.1560 22.7130 14.6740
[5,]  6.1252  9.4807 14.6740 22.7130 35.1560 22.7130
[6,]  3.9573  6.1252  9.4807 14.6740 22.7130 35.1560
  Standard Deviations: 5.9292 5.9292 5.9292 5.9292 5.9292 5.9292 
vcovs[["auto_regressive"]] <- vcov_ar
fits[["auto_regressive"]] <- fit_ar

With autoregressive residual correlation structure and heterogeneous variances

It’s a bit more complicated to get the variance-covariance matrix

fit_har <- gls(hdrs ~ week*endo, correlation = corAR1(form = ~1 | id),
                 weights = varIdent(form = ~1|week),
              data = reisby_long, na.action = "na.omit", method = "ML")
Generalized least squares fit by maximum likelihood
  Model: hdrs ~ week * endo 
  Data: reisby_long 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  2240.717 2283.913 -1109.358

Correlation Structure: AR(1)
 Formula: ~1 | id 
 Parameter estimate(s):
Variance function:
 Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
 Formula: ~1 | week 
 Parameter estimates:
       0        1        2        3        4        5 
1.000000 1.108897 1.150139 1.209555 1.297891 1.502195 

                  Value Std.Error   t-value p-value
(Intercept)   22.651966 0.8809205 25.713974  0.0000
week          -2.410213 0.2967891 -8.120964  0.0000
endoTRUE       1.516556 1.1852305  1.279545  0.2015
week:endoTRUE  0.086591 0.3990676  0.216984  0.8283

              (Intr) week   enTRUE
week          -0.581              
endoTRUE      -0.743  0.432       
week:endoTRUE  0.432 -0.744 -0.581

Standardized residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.66899729 -0.72617223 -0.08373892  0.70948986  3.23857619 

Residual standard error: 4.776921 
Degrees of freedom: 375 total; 371 residual
cormat_har <- corMatrix(fit_har$modelStruct$corStruct)[[1]]
var_struct_har <- 1+c(0, as.numeric(fit_har$modelStruct$varStruct))
sigma_har <- fit_har$sigma

vcov_har <- matrix(numeric(0), nrow = 6, ncol = 6)

for (i in 1:nrow(cormat_har)) {
  for (j in 1:ncol(cormat_har)) {
    vcov_har[i, j] = sigma_har^2 * cormat_har[i, j] * var_struct_har[i] * var_struct_har[j]
          [,1]      [,2]     [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]
[1,] 22.818970 15.786642 10.22598  6.695114  4.446507  3.111280
[2,] 15.786642 27.780171 17.99492 11.781568  7.824636  5.475002
[3,] 10.225977 17.994922 29.64944 19.411970 12.892307  9.020920
[4,]  6.695114 11.781568 19.41197 32.327653 21.470157 15.022956
[5,]  4.446507  7.824636 12.89231 21.470157 36.270012 25.378612
[6,]  3.111280  5.475002  9.02092 15.022956 25.378612 45.168895
vcovs[["heterogeneous_AR"]] <- vcov_har
fits[["heterogeneous_AR"]] <- fit_har

With unstructured correlation (has the most free parameters)

fit_unr <- gls(hdrs ~ week*endo, correlation = corSymm(form = ~1|id),
               weights = varIdent(form = ~1|week),
               data = reisby_long, na.action = "na.omit", method = "ML")

cormat_unr <- corMatrix(fit_unr$modelStruct$corStruct)[[1]]
var_struct_unr <- 1+c(0, as.numeric(fit_unr$modelStruct$varStruct))
sigma_unr <- fit_unr$sigma

vcov_unr <- matrix(numeric(0), nrow = 6, ncol = 6)

for (i in 1:nrow(cormat_unr)) {
  for (j in 1:ncol(cormat_unr)) {
    vcov_unr[i, j] = sigma_unr^2 * cormat_unr[i, j] * var_struct_unr[i] * var_struct_unr[j]
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]
[1,] 19.674419  9.880921  6.292196  7.718344  6.331878  3.878412
[2,]  9.880921 21.219622  9.874717 10.187582  7.680643  4.756425
[3,]  6.292196  9.874717 25.949930 21.274065 22.430340 18.462169
[4,]  7.718344 10.187582 21.274065 35.148004 28.438097 25.761781
[5,]  6.331878  7.680643 22.430340 28.438097 40.818708 31.979363
[6,]  3.878412  4.756425 18.462169 25.761781 31.979363 47.945744
## matrix implementation, multiply scalar with (matrix, element-wise with (1d vector matrix product 1d vector (which is like tensor product)))

vcov_unr2 = sigma_unr^2 * cormat_unr * (var_struct_unr %*% t(var_struct_unr))
vcov_unr - vcov_unr2
     [,1]          [,2] [,3]          [,4]         [,5]          [,6]
[1,]    0  0.000000e+00    0  0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
[2,]    0 -3.552714e-15    0  1.776357e-15 8.881784e-16  0.000000e+00
[3,]    0  0.000000e+00    0  0.000000e+00 3.552714e-15 -3.552714e-15
[4,]    0  0.000000e+00    0  0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 -7.105427e-15
[5,]    0  0.000000e+00    0  0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00  3.552714e-15
[6,]    0  0.000000e+00    0 -3.552714e-15 0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
vcovs[["unstructured_correlation"]] <- vcov_unr
fits[["unstructured_correlation"]] <- fit_unr

Using continous AR

fit_car <- lme(fixed = hdrs ~ week*endo, random = ~week|id,
               correlation = corCAR1(form = ~ week | id),
               data = reisby_long, na.action = "na.omit", method = "ML")
vcovs[["continous_autoregressive"]] <- getVarCov(fit_car, type = "margin")
fits[["continous_autoregressive"]] <- fit_car

fits_reisby <- fits

Plot them to compare

vcovs %>%
  map_df(melt_vcov, .id = "model") %>% 
  mutate(model = relevel(factor(model), "observed")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = axis1, y = axis2, fill = value)) + 
  geom_tile() + scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse") + 


Using the corMatrix() and getVarCov() functions in R (or the option Statistics – Covariance of residuals in the menu, /PRINT=R in the syntax), we can take a look the estimated correlation or variance-covariance structures for most of the models in (a). Which structures seem more realistic for this data? Which structures seem less realistic?


Save your script/syntax for the next exercises!

Some tips for SPSS users: (See the extra slides on Moodle.) Since we want to explicitly choose the correlation structure, we will not include a random intercept, but instead model impose a structure on the repeated observations within each patient: Using the long version of the dataset, go to Analyze, Mixed Models, Linear. In the first screen of the Linear Mixed Models menu, put ID in Subjects and WEEK in Repeated. As Repeated Covariance Type, choose either Compound symmetry (with and without Correlation Metric), Unstructured (with Correlation Metric for interpretability), or AR(1) (with and without heterogeneous variances) Use a fixed model with ENDO, WEEK and their interaction, and no random effects. Choose Method=ML under Estimation.


In this exercise we repeat the rest of the analyses of the Reisby dataset.


Take a look at the modelled (assumed) covariance matrices for the LMEs from Exercise 1. Compare these to the observed covariance matrix of the outcomes above, and to some of the CPMs above. Which model(s) do you think best fit the observed data?

offcourse unstructured correlation but it has too many free parameters

heterogeneous autoregressive and continous autoregressive fit best from the rest


Re-analyze the Reisby data, using the baseline HDRS as an adjustment variable (note: you must first remove the HDRS at week = 0 from your dataset before running the mixed model!). Compare the estimates of the fixed and random effects. What changed, and what did not?

reisby_base <- reisby_long %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(hdrs_baseline = hdrs[week == 0]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(week > 0)
fit_har_base <- gls(hdrs ~ week*endo + hdrs_baseline,
                    correlation = corAR1(form = ~1 | id),
                    weights = varIdent(form = ~1 | week),
                    data = reisby_base, 
                    method = "ML", na.action = "na.omit")
Generalized least squares fit by maximum likelihood
  Model: hdrs ~ week * endo 
  Data: reisby_long 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  2240.717 2283.913 -1109.358

Correlation Structure: AR(1)
 Formula: ~1 | id 
 Parameter estimate(s):
Variance function:
 Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
 Formula: ~1 | week 
 Parameter estimates:
       0        1        2        3        4        5 
1.000000 1.108897 1.150139 1.209555 1.297891 1.502195 

                  Value Std.Error   t-value p-value
(Intercept)   22.651966 0.8809205 25.713974  0.0000
week          -2.410213 0.2967891 -8.120964  0.0000
endoTRUE       1.516556 1.1852305  1.279545  0.2015
week:endoTRUE  0.086591 0.3990676  0.216984  0.8283

              (Intr) week   enTRUE
week          -0.581              
endoTRUE      -0.743  0.432       
week:endoTRUE  0.432 -0.744 -0.581

Standardized residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.66899729 -0.72617223 -0.08373892  0.70948986  3.23857619 

Residual standard error: 4.776921 
Degrees of freedom: 375 total; 371 residual
Generalized least squares fit by maximum likelihood
  Model: hdrs ~ week * endo + hdrs_baseline 
  Data: reisby_base 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  1741.254 1781.585 -859.6272

Correlation Structure: AR(1)
 Formula: ~1 | id 
 Parameter estimate(s):
Variance function:
 Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
 Formula: ~1 | week 
 Parameter estimates:
       1        2        3        4        5 
1.000000 1.207278 1.287749 1.404622 1.613014 

                  Value Std.Error   t-value p-value
(Intercept)   12.201649 2.8671203  4.255716  0.0000
week          -2.472514 0.3635657 -6.800736  0.0000
endoTRUE       2.306241 1.4827031  1.555430  0.1210
hdrs_baseline  0.479490 0.1167423  4.107249  0.0001
week:endoTRUE -0.287551 0.5017481 -0.573099  0.5670

              (Intr) week   enTRUE hdrs_b
week          -0.272                     
endoTRUE      -0.189  0.517              
hdrs_baseline -0.928  0.004 -0.088       
week:endoTRUE  0.202 -0.725 -0.716 -0.009

Standardized residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.57009355 -0.66785905 -0.05278401  0.58704650  3.06988300 

Residual standard error: 4.487926 
Degrees of freedom: 289 total; 284 residual

4. (Optional)

If you wish, go back to reisby_wide.sav and use this dataset to perform a repeated measures ANOVA. Recall the objections to this analysis from the lecture. How many subjects are used in the analysis? And what assumptions does this analysis make? How realistic are those assumptions for this study?

Skipped for now

Tips for SPSS users: Go to Analyze, General Linear Model, Repeated measures, type WEEK as Within Subject Factor Name , with 6 levels, and click Define. Choose hdrs.0 – hdrs.5 as Within-Subject Variables, and ENDO as Between-Subjects Factor. OK. (Note: the results might differ slightly from those from R in the lecture notes.)


On page 25 of Mixed-Effects Models in R (Appendix to An R Companion to Applied Regression, Second Edition) by John Fox and Sanford Weisberg (see link on Moodle) you will find section 2.4, “An Illustrative Application to Longitudinal Data”. In this exercise you will try to reproduce the results presented there. (Note that you can copy all commands from the article and paste them into R or RStudio.) Concentrate only on the models and the interpretation. The anova() commands, comparing the models, may be skipped over, as may be the table on page 32 (starting at line 6). Do try out the compareCoefs() function around the middle of page 32! Whether you choose to skip the anova() commands for now or not, please add method=”ML” to the first lme() command (since the rest of the models are “updated” from the first model, they will all be fit using ML estimation).

Get the data

head(Blackmore, 10)
   subject   age exercise   group
1      100  8.00     2.71 patient
2      100 10.00     1.94 patient
3      100 12.00     2.36 patient
4      100 14.00     1.54 patient
5      100 15.92     8.63 patient
6      101  8.00     0.14 patient
7      101 10.00     0.14 patient
8      101 12.00     0.00 patient
9      101 14.00     0.00 patient
10     101 16.67     5.08 patient


Examine the time variable (age). What is different about this time variable, compared to, say, time in the Reisby data?


    8    10 11.58 11.83    12 12.08 12.17 12.25 12.33 12.42 12.46 12.58 
  231   229     1     1   176     2     2     3     2     1     1     1 
12.75 12.83    13 13.08 13.17 13.21 13.25 13.33 13.42  13.5 13.58 13.71 
    2     1     6     2     3     1     4     2     4     4     5     1 
13.75 13.83 13.92 13.96    14 14.08 14.17 14.25 14.29 14.38 14.42  14.5 
    4     1     3     1    85     3     3     6     1     1     5     5 
14.54 14.58 14.67 14.75 14.83 14.92 14.96    15 15.08 15.17 15.25 15.33 
    3     3     3     3     1     5     1     7     3     3     3     3 
15.42  15.5 15.67 15.75 15.79 15.83 15.88 15.92 15.96    16 16.08 16.13 
    3     5     2     5     1     3     1     5     1    13     3     1 
16.17 16.21 16.25 16.33 16.38 16.42  16.5 16.58 16.67 16.75 16.79 16.83 
    5     1     1     6     1     4    11     4     2     2     1     1 
16.96    17 17.13 17.17 17.25 17.42 17.46  17.5 17.67 17.92 
    1     7     2     4     2     1     1     1     1     2 
nobs <- Blackmore %>%
  group_by(subject) %>%
  summarize(nobs = uniqueN(age))

 2  3  4  5 
 2 57 90 82 

Here are the number of observations per subject.

Age is different from time in Reisby in that it is no just a relative time-indicator to some general starting point, but the absolute value carries meaning also.

It seems to be sampled at 2 year differences, and then an in between value for each subject


Why is age-8 used in the models?

To standardize


Interpret the coefficients of the 5th model (bm.lme.5).


Blackmore %<>% mutate(log.exercise = log2(exercise + 5/60))
bm_lme_5 <- lme(fixed = exercise ~ age*group, random = ~1 | subject,
                correlation = corCAR1(form = ~age | subject),
                data = Blackmore, method = "ML")
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: Blackmore 
      AIC      BIC   logLik
  4569.84 4603.799 -2277.92

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | subject
        (Intercept) Residual
StdDev:    1.419018  2.87993

Correlation Structure: Continuous AR(1)
 Formula: ~age | subject 
 Parameter estimate(s):
Fixed effects: exercise ~ age * group 
                     Value Std.Error  DF   t-value p-value
(Intercept)       0.112943 0.7022649 712  0.160827  0.8723
age               0.133079 0.0575338 712  2.313056  0.0210
grouppatient     -4.080945 0.8941782 229 -4.563906  0.0000
age:grouppatient  0.494545 0.0723783 712  6.832780  0.0000
                 (Intr) age    grpptn
age              -0.929              
grouppatient     -0.785  0.730       
age:grouppatient  0.738 -0.795 -0.928

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
       Min         Q1        Med         Q3        Max 
-1.9637923 -0.4800912 -0.1517707  0.1983307  7.1789129 

Number of Observations: 945
Number of Groups: 231 

Exercise seems lower in patients, and the correlation between age and exercise is higher in controls

Within subject variation seems higher than between subject.

correlations over time are correlated with phi = 0.73 (which is not too low I guess)

slope and intercept are negatively correlated, as is more often the case


Write a “statistical methods” second in which you describe, in a few sentences, how the results for the 5th model (bm.lme.5) were obtained. (For today: do not worry about explaining how you chose model 5.) Be as concise - yet complete - as possible.

Skipped for now

Notes for SPSS users: - The data have been saved under blackmoor.csv. Be careful to read the subject number as a string variable, and not as numeric! - The log2 function does not exist in SPSS, but you can get from a loge to a log2 using the following trick: compute log2x = ln(x)/ln(2). - In SPSS you can save both fixed and individual predicted values. For the fixed, click on “Save” and choose under “Fixed Predicted values” the option “Predicted values”. - For models 4-6: the cAR(1) correlation structure for residuals is not available in SPSS. Use the AR(1) structure (not that you will then get slightly different results).


The data contained in the file stroke.csv are from an experiment to promote the recovery of stroke patients. There were three experimental groups: A was a new occupational therapy intervention; B was the existing stroke rehabilitation program conducted in the same hospital where A was conducted; C was the usual care regime for stroke patients provided in a different hospital. There were 8 patients in each experimental group. The response variable was a measure of functional ability, the Bartel index: higher scores correspond to better outcomes and the maximum score is 100. Each program lasted for 8 weeks. All subjects were evaluated at the start of the program and at weekly intervals until the end of the program. The hypothesis was that the patients in group A would do better than those in group B or C.


Thinking about the design of the study (and without yet looking at the data), what approach(es) would you use to model this data? Think about both the fixed part of the model (to answer the research question) and the random part of the model (to account for correlated measurements).

Fixed parts: treatment and time, including interaction, and if available: baseline Bartel, age, sex Random parts: intercept and slope (with time) by patient; we have regular time intervals, we could use them as a linear trend

or: treat time as categorical if there is no linear relationship, then use Correlation part: correlation on time-axis by patient a good bet may be heterogeneous autocorrelation


How would you treat the first Bartel index evaluation?

as a covariate


Get descriptive statistics of the measurements and examine correlations of measurements over time.

Load data and curate

stroke <- read.csv(here("data", "stroke_mim.csv"), sep = ",")
stroke %<>% mutate(Subject = factor(Subject))
'data.frame':   24 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ Subject: Factor w/ 24 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ Group  : Factor w/ 3 levels "A","B","C": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
 $ week1  : int  45 20 50 25 100 20 30 30 40 65 ...
 $ week2  : int  45 25 50 25 100 20 35 35 55 65 ...
 $ week3  : int  45 25 55 35 100 30 35 45 60 70 ...
 $ week4  : int  45 25 70 40 100 50 40 50 70 70 ...
 $ week5  : int  80 30 70 60 100 50 50 55 80 80 ...
 $ week6  : int  80 35 75 60 100 60 60 65 85 80 ...
 $ week7  : int  80 30 90 70 100 85 75 65 90 80 ...
 $ week8  : int  90 50 90 80 100 95 85 70 90 80 ...

Let’s go to long

stroke_long <- data.table::melt(stroke, id.vars = c("Subject", "Group"),
                       = "week", = "bartel")
stroke_long %<>%
  mutate(week_int = as.integer(stringr::str_extract(week, "[0-9]")))
stroke_long[, list(mean = mean(bartel), sd = sd(bartel)), by = "week,Group"]
     week Group   mean       sd
 1: week1     A 40.000 26.59216
 2: week1     B 36.875 14.86547
 3: week1     C 30.625 11.16036
 4: week2     A 41.875 25.62609
 5: week2     B 40.000 15.35299
 6: week2     C 38.750 17.06082
 7: week3     A 46.250 23.71708
 8: week3     B 46.250 22.48015
 9: week3     C 41.250 16.42081
10: week4     A 52.500 22.99068
11: week4     B 51.250 22.63846
12: week4     C 45.625 21.11829
13: week5     A 61.875 21.37046
14: week5     B 56.875 24.77578
15: week5     C 48.750 22.95181
16: week6     A 66.875 18.88641
17: week6     B 61.875 24.19231
18: week6     C 51.250 24.89263
19: week7     A 74.375 21.11829
20: week7     B 63.750 24.31196
21: week7     C 55.625 26.38147
22: week8     A 82.500 16.03567
23: week8     B 64.375 24.26601
24: week8     C 57.500 28.03060
     week Group   mean       sd

Get the var-covariance matrix over times

vcov_obs <- var(stroke[, 3:10])
         week1    week2    week3    week4    week5    week6    week7
week1 336.2319 323.7319 328.6232 327.3551 330.7971 297.8261 274.2754
week2 323.7319 361.9112 356.6123 358.7409 366.1232 342.3913 325.0906
week3 328.6232 356.6123 412.8623 416.2138 419.9275 395.6522 378.0797
week4 327.3551 358.7409 416.2138 461.9112 450.1812 430.4348 433.6051
week5 330.7971 366.1232 419.9275 450.1812 516.6667 504.3478 504.7101
week6 297.8261 342.3913 395.6522 430.4348 504.3478 519.5652 529.3478
week7 274.2754 325.0906 378.0797 433.6051 504.7101 529.3478 588.9493
week8 251.6304 302.5815 352.4457 410.4620 496.1957 522.8261 587.2283
week1 251.6304
week2 302.5815
week3 352.4457
week4 410.4620
week5 496.1957
week6 522.8261
week7 587.2283
week8 612.6359
vcov_obs %>%
  melt_vcov() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = axis1, y = axis2, fill = value)) + 
  geom_tile() + scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse")

Variance increases with time


Make a spaghetti plot of the data (don’t forget to restructure the data!).

stroke_long %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = week_int, y = bartel, col = Subject, group = Subject)) + 
  geom_line() + facet_wrap(~Group)

Most seem to increase. Group A starts a little lower but shows relatively steep increase

Pretty different slopes, pretty different intercepts.

Effect is pretty much linear


Fit the model you think would best describe the patterns in the data.

We will go for random slope and intercept, taking the first bartel as baseline

stroke_base <- stroke_long %>%
  group_by(Subject) %>%
  mutate(bartel_baseline = bartel[week_int == 8]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(week_int > 1)

Random part with both slope and intercept did not converge, so now only intercept

fit <- lme(fixed = bartel ~ Group*week_int + bartel_baseline,
           random = ~ 1 | Subject,
           data = stroke_base,
           method = "ML")
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: stroke_base 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  1227.427 1255.543 -604.7136

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | Subject
        (Intercept) Residual
StdDev:    6.939387 7.731775

Fixed effects: bartel ~ Group * week_int + bartel_baseline 
                    Value Std.Error  DF   t-value p-value
(Intercept)     -42.45840  7.043459 141 -6.028061   0e+00
GroupB           22.34137  5.515033  20  4.050995   6e-04
GroupC           26.59386  5.652543  20  4.704760   1e-04
week_int          6.87500  0.527712 141 13.027941   0e+00
bartel_baseline   0.83608  0.071969  20 11.617154   0e+00
GroupB:week_int  -2.63393  0.746297 141 -3.529328   6e-04
GroupC:week_int  -3.63839  0.746297 141 -4.875259   0e+00
                (Intr) GroupB GroupC wek_nt brtl_b GrpB:_
GroupB          -0.569                                   
GroupC          -0.629  0.536                            
week_int        -0.375  0.478  0.467                     
bartel_baseline -0.843  0.237  0.318  0.000              
GroupB:week_int  0.265 -0.677 -0.330 -0.707  0.000       
GroupC:week_int  0.265 -0.338 -0.660 -0.707  0.000  0.500

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
         Min           Q1          Med           Q3          Max 
-2.706719777 -0.574462832  0.002877703  0.556111611  3.144403124 

Number of Observations: 168
Number of Groups: 24 


Summarize and interpret the results in part (e).

Group B and C start out better than A, but Group A increases faster

Inter and intra subject variation with regards to intercept are approximately equal

Day 3

During this computer lab we will 1,2,5) Revisit examples from earlier in the week, and do some proper model building and checking. 3) (Optional) Try to reproduce the results from this morning’s lecture, using SPSS and/or R. 4) Expand on the Reisby analyses using polynomial functions for time. 6) Analyze data from a multi-center, longitudinal trial. 7) Time permitting, examine effects of centering explanatory variables. 8) Time permitting, take a look at a (two-level) dataset with complicated residuals.

Note: Exercise 1 is a re-analysis of the example from this morning’s lecture, intended to help you familiarize yourself with mixed models in SPSS and R. If you are already comfortable with the software, feel free to skip it.


We will re-analyze the schools data (school.sav or school.dat ) in R or SPSS according to the strategy described in the lecture: starting with the full fixed model we first test the random effects, then the fixed effects. ### a.

Making use of the full fixed model from Day 1, test (with the likelihood ratio test) whether a random slope is necessary, or whether a random intercept model would be sufficient. Which model do you prefer?

full_model <- lmer(normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + schav + (standlrt | school), data = london,
     REML = F)
fit2 <- lmer(normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + schav + (1 | school), data = london,
     REML = F)
anova(full_model, fit2)
Data: london
fit2: normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + schav + (1 | school)
full_model: normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + schav + (standlrt | 
full_model:     school)
           Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)    
fit2        9 9336.3 9393.1 -4659.1   9318.3                             
full_model 11 9300.4 9369.8 -4639.2   9278.4 39.865      2  2.205e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Model with random slope is a lot better


Using maximum likelihood estimation and the “random part” chosen in part (a), try to reduce the fixed part of the model by removing non-significant explanatory variables.

fit <- full_model
drop1(fit, test = "Chisq")
Single term deletions

normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + schav + (standlrt | 
         Df    AIC     LRT   Pr(Chi)    
<none>      9300.4                      
standlrt  1 9454.8 156.383 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender    1 9322.7  24.320 8.159e-07 ***
schgend   2 9302.3   5.927   0.05163 .  
schav     2 9299.1   2.677   0.26227    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Remove schav

drop1(update(fit, normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + (standlrt | school)), test = "Chisq")
Single term deletions

normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + (standlrt | school)
         Df    AIC     LRT   Pr(Chi)    
<none>      9299.1                      
standlrt  1 9455.4 158.312 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender    1 9321.7  24.659 6.844e-07 ***
schgend   2 9301.4   6.267   0.04356 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Now we can’t reduce the model further

fit_final <- update(fit, normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + (standlrt | school))


Once you have a final model, run it one last time using REML estimation for correct parameter estimates. Interpret the results of this model.

fit_final_reml <- update(fit_final, REML = T)
fit_final_reml %>% summary()
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: normexam ~ standlrt + gender + schgend + (standlrt | school)
   Data: london

REML criterion at convergence: 9303.1

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.8433 -0.6377  0.0266  0.6778  3.4276 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
 school   (Intercept) 0.08366  0.2892       
          standlrt    0.01508  0.1228   0.57
 Residual             0.55029  0.7418       
Number of obs: 4059, groups:  school, 65

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) -0.18889    0.05249  -3.599
standlrt     0.55400    0.02012  27.537
gender1      0.16851    0.03384   4.980
schgend2     0.17974    0.10171   1.767
schgend3     0.17443    0.08079   2.159

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
         (Intr) stndlr gendr1 schgn2
standlrt  0.313                     
gender1  -0.302 -0.038              
schgend2 -0.464  0.006  0.150       
schgend3 -0.458  0.019 -0.230  0.240

More inter school variation than between school variation. Higher standlrt is associated with higher normexam

Gender is associated with normexam (1 = better) School gender is associated with normexam, 2 and 3 being better

Note: save your R script (or SPSS syntax) to re-run later! After the next part of the lecture, you will continue analyzing this dataset/model.


Continuing with the schools data (school.sav or school.dat ) in R and/or SPSS:


Check the model assumptions for the final model: are the residuals, random intercept (and random slope if you used it) (approximately) normally distributed? (Note that some of the graphs for checking model assumptions are not easily produced in SPSS; see the extra slides on Moodle for help.)


Boxplot of residuals per subject / group

london %>%
  mutate(residual = resid(fit_final_reml)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = school, y = residual, group = school)) + 

No structure, no heteroscedasticity


Normal distributed residuals

Look at intercepts and slopes

coefs <- coef(fit_final_reml)
  (Intercept)  standlrt   gender1 schgend2  schgend3
1  0.28325962 0.6951500 0.1685081 0.179739 0.1744336
2  0.13894051 0.7087007 0.1685081 0.179739 0.1744336
3  0.36475409 0.6577954 0.1685081 0.179739 0.1744336
4 -0.05630864 0.6840552 0.1685081 0.179739 0.1744336
5  0.12396826 0.6498859 0.1685081 0.179739 0.1744336
6  0.17922647 0.6048985 0.1685081 0.179739 0.1744336
intercepts <- coefs$school[,1]
slopes <- coefs$school[,2]



There is a single observation a deviating slope. It is the highest slope, so we can get the rownumber:

[1] 53

Look at the 53’th school

london %>%
  filter(as.numeric(school) == 53)
   school student  normexam  standlrt gender schgend  avslrt schav vrband
1      53       1 -0.129080  0.040499      1       3 0.38055     3      2
2      53       2  0.134070  0.619060      1       3 0.38055     3      2
3      53       3 -1.118600 -1.447200      1       3 0.38055     3      3
4      53       4  0.402670  0.619060      1       3 0.38055     3      2
5      53       5  2.408700  1.280300      1       3 0.38055     3      1
6      53       6  1.109400 -0.042152      1       3 0.38055     3      2
7      53       7  0.194150  0.123150      1       3 0.38055     3      2
8      53       8  1.661800  1.115000      1       3 0.38055     3      1
9      53       9  1.813800  0.701710      1       3 0.38055     3      1
10     53      10  0.073536 -0.868670      1       3 0.38055     3      2
11     53      11  0.134070 -0.042152      1       3 0.38055     3      2
12     53      12  0.261320 -0.042152      1       3 0.38055     3      2
13     53      13  2.924700  0.619060      1       3 0.38055     3      1
14     53      14  1.813800  0.619060      1       3 0.38055     3      2
15     53      15  3.134000  1.445600      1       3 0.38055     3      1
16     53      16  1.506200  1.941500      1       3 0.38055     3      1
17     53      17  1.579200  0.453760      1       3 0.38055     3      2
18     53      18 -0.338840 -0.703360      1       3 0.38055     3      2
19     53      19  1.175800  0.371100      1       3 0.38055     3      2
20     53      20 -0.338840 -0.620710      1       3 0.38055     3      2
21     53      21 -1.118600 -1.529900      1       3 0.38055     3      3
22     53      22  0.478190  0.123150      1       3 0.38055     3      2
23     53      23  0.967590 -0.290110      1       3 0.38055     3      2
24     53      24  1.734900  1.776200      1       3 0.38055     3      1
25     53      25  3.374700  2.024100      1       3 0.38055     3      1
26     53      26  0.747230  0.371100      1       3 0.38055     3      2
27     53      27  2.701800  1.197600      1       3 0.38055     3      2
28     53      28  2.408700  1.032300      1       3 0.38055     3      1
29     53      29 -0.197610 -0.124800      1       3 0.38055     3      2
30     53      30  2.103000  0.536410      1       3 0.38055     3      1
31     53      31  1.900300  1.858800      1       3 0.38055     3      1
32     53      32 -0.555110  0.453760      1       3 0.38055     3      2
33     53      33  0.967590 -0.207460      1       3 0.38055     3      2
34     53      34  1.109400  1.362900      1       3 0.38055     3      2
35     53      35  1.661800  1.445600      1       3 0.38055     3      1
36     53      36 -1.118600 -0.786020      1       3 0.38055     3      3
37     53      37  0.328070  0.619060      1       3 0.38055     3      2
38     53      38  1.977100  1.032300      1       3 0.38055     3      1
39     53      39  0.610730  0.371100      1       3 0.38055     3      2
40     53      40  1.240500  0.784360      1       3 0.38055     3      2
41     53      41  1.661800  0.123150      1       3 0.38055     3      2
42     53      42 -1.029100 -0.455410      1       3 0.38055     3      2
43     53      43  0.678760 -0.124800      1       3 0.38055     3      2
44     53      44 -0.062088  0.371100      1       3 0.38055     3      2
45     53      45 -1.962100 -2.439000      1       3 0.38055     3      3
46     53      46 -1.438700 -1.364600      1       3 0.38055     3      3
47     53      47 -0.492780 -0.786020      1       3 0.38055     3      2
48     53      48  0.194150  0.453760      1       3 0.38055     3      2
49     53      49  1.175800 -0.372760      1       3 0.38055     3      1
50     53      50  1.813800  0.949670      1       3 0.38055     3      1
51     53      51  2.203100  0.949670      1       3 0.38055     3      2
52     53      52  1.661800  0.867010      1       3 0.38055     3      1
53     53      53  2.408700  0.040499      1       3 0.38055     3      2
54     53      54  2.924700  2.106800      1       3 0.38055     3      1
55     53      55 -1.219500 -1.777800      1       3 0.38055     3      2
56     53      56  2.796100  1.693500      1       3 0.38055     3      1
57     53      57  0.821990  0.536410      1       3 0.38055     3      2
58     53      58  0.610730  0.453760      1       3 0.38055     3      1
59     53      59  2.532400 -0.372760      1       3 0.38055     3      2
60     53      60  0.261320  0.040499      1       3 0.38055     3      2
61     53      61  0.544340  1.197600      1       3 0.38055     3      2
62     53      62  2.626700  0.949670      1       3 0.38055     3      1
63     53      63  2.203100  0.949670      1       3 0.38055     3      2
64     53      64 -0.699510 -1.034000      1       3 0.38055     3      3
65     53      65  1.175800  0.867010      1       3 0.38055     3      2
66     53      66  2.796100  1.528200      1       3 0.38055     3      1
67     53      67  0.747230  0.619060      1       3 0.38055     3      2
68     53      68  2.796100  0.784360      1       3 0.38055     3      1
69     53      69  2.532400  0.867010      1       3 0.38055     3      1
70     53      70  0.261320  0.784360      1       3 0.38055     3      2

We should look at the residuals of this school when corrected for the fixed part

We create predictions based on the beta’s of the fixed part, but it’s a little messy because we would need to properly handle the factor variables that should be recoded to dummy variables.

We can also take the predictions, and then add the intercept and slope

First polish up the slopes and intercepts

betas <- fit_final_reml@beta

school_df <- coefs$school
school_df %<>%
    random_intercept = `(Intercept)`,
    random_slope = standlrt,
    school = 1:n())

london <- merge(london, school_df, by = "school", all.x = T)
london %<>% 
  mutate(predicted = predict(fit_final_reml, type = "response"),
         predicted_fixed = predicted - random_intercept - random_slope * standlrt,
         resid_fixed = normexam - predicted_fixed,
         residual = resid(fit_final_reml))
london %>%
  mutate(special_school = as.numeric(school) == 53) %>% 
  data.table::melt(measure.vars = c("resid_fixed", "normexam"),
          = "y_type") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = standlrt, y = value, 
             alpha = special_school, shape = special_school)) + 
  geom_point() + theme_minimal() + 

We can see that this school does seem to have a steeper slope than the rest of the schools.

On original scale:

london %>%
  mutate(special_school = as.numeric(school) == 53,
         residual = resid(fit_final_reml)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = standlrt, y = normexam, 
             alpha = special_school, shape = special_school)) + 
  geom_point() + theme_minimal()

3. (Optional)

Repeat this morning’s analysis of the Reisby data in R or SPSS (or both). Choose the best model, check model assumptions, and interpret the results of the best model. SPSS users will find slight discrepancies between R and SPSS (for unstructured, AR(1) and heterogeneous AR(1) models), but overall conclusions remain the same.

Note: save your R script (or SPSS syntax) for use in the next exercise!.

Luckily, we saved the fits in a list

[1] "compound_symmerty"        "random_intercept"        
[3] "auto_regressive"          "heterogeneous_AR"        
[5] "unstructured_correlation" "continous_autoregressive"

All these models share the same fixed part, so we can go ahead and compare the random parts. All were fitted with ML

fits <- map_df(fits_reisby, function(fit) data.frame(fit = I(list(fit)), 
                                             aic = AIC(fit)), .id = "model")
1        compound_symmerty
2         random_intercept
3          auto_regressive
4         heterogeneous_AR
5 unstructured_correlation
6 continous_autoregressive
1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 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6.558372, 6.910214, 9.262056, 6.613898, 8.96574, 12.31758, 0.565499, 1.961517, -0.6424654, 5.753552, -0.8504297, 8.545588, -6.434501, -7.038483, -5.642465, -7.246448, -6.85043, 1.558372, 0.9102142, -5.737944, -2.386102, -1.03426, -5.682418, -7.434501, -3.038483, -4.642465, -5.246448, -5.85043, 0.5455882, -0.4416278, 4.910214, -5.737944, 0.613898, -3.03426, 5.317582, 5.565499, 4.961517, 3.357535, 2.753552, -2.85043, -1.454412, -3.434501, -3.038483, -1.642465, -2.246448, 3.14957, 6.545588, 2.565499, -1.038483, 4.357535, 4.753552, 1.14957, -1.454412, 3.565499, 4.961517, 7.357535, 8.753552, 8.14957, -2.434501, 3.961517, 0.3575346, -4.246448, -4.85043, -5.454412, 2.565499, -0.03848319, 4.357535, 7.753552, 4.14957, 6.545588, -3.434501, 5.961517, 7.357535, 11.75355, 13.14957, 20.54559, 5.565499, -0.03848319, -8.642465, -9.246448, -7.85043, 6.545588, 1, 2, 3, 4, 30, 35, 48, 49, 55, 67, 132, 151, 158, 161, 178, 204, 209, 212, 228, 252, 279, 302, 307, 330, 372
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -0.1096426, 375, 1, 1, 0, 0, 66, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 22.44163, -2.351842, 1.992873, -0.04417592, -2.673794, 3.399203, -1.334229, -1.569613, 1.407111, -2.05219, -4.370728, 3.25215, -3.511586, -1.798543, -5.198864, 0.1229367, 1.052818, 0.9147953, -4.330066, -3.542592, -2.121704, 3.135168, -4.330066, 0.2246819, 1.466886, -4.997822, -1.09145, -2.182202, -2.673794, -2.435848, 5.980973, -1.058184, -2.714456, 6.691181, -0.7414768, 7.953952, -0.1893861, 3.123158, 0.0585741, -0.3274088, 2.571067, 3.399203, -2.022078, -1.478297, 6.987793, 2.116338, -5.318068, -1.707636, -3.542592, 0.2246819, 1.70227, -0.09202505, 1.426224, 5.250071, -1.748297, 3.496565, 7.637245, -1.88632, 5.428882, -5.612932, -1.155545, -6.262384, 5.014814, 1.742931, -1.55155, -4.232705, 5.428882, -3.225885, -1.318173, 5.189935, 0.8818957, -0.09750034, -0.8818957, 0.09750034, -0.09750034, 0.03921024, 0.09750034, -0.03921024, -0.8818957, 0.09750034, 1.596309, -0.1815249, 0.09750034, -0.03921024, -0.1815249, 0.07321723, 4.362878, 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endo, data = reisby_long, correlation = corSymm(form = ~1 | ,     id), weights = varIdent(form = ~1 | week), method = "ML", ,     na.action = "na.omit"), ML, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 19.81956, 17.5474, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 13.00308, 24.36387, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 22.48945, 20.17466, 17.85986, 15.54507, 13.23028, 10.91548, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 24.36387, 22.09171, 19.81956, 17.5474, 15.27524, 13.00308, 3.51055, 1.825344, 0.1401376, -8.545069, -9.230275, -7.915482, 10.51055, 3.825344, -2.859862, 8.454931, 1.769725, 2.084518, 4.636127, -0.09171441, -1.819556, -4.547398, 3.724761, -13.00308, -0.4894495, -8.174656, -1.859862, 0.4549311, -0.2302753, -1.915482, -3.363873, 2.908286, 3.180444, 0.4526024, 4.724761, -3.363873, -1.091714, -3.819556, 1.452602, -7.003081, -3.363873, -0.09171441, -8.819556, -8.547398, -6.275239, -6.003081, -1.48945, 2.825344, 1.140138, 7.454931, 9.769725, -3.174656, -6.859862, -2.545069, -6.230275, -3.915482, -6.091714, -3.819556, -1.547398, 0.7247609, -2.003081, -5.363873, -6.091714, -6.819556, -5.547398, -8.275239, -7.003081, 3.908286, -1.819556, 0.4526024, -1.275239, -2.003081, -2.48945, -1.174656, -0.8598624, 2.454931, 2.769725, 6.084518, -2.48945, 1.825344, 1.140138, 3.454931, -1.230275, 3.084518, -7.48945, -5.174656, -2.859862, -2.545069, -8.230275, -5.915482, 4.636127, 7.908286, 6.180444, 4.452602, 3.724761, 10.99692, -3.363873, -0.09171441, -6.819556, -6.547398, -13.27524, -12.00308, -3.48945, -3.174656, -2.859862, 0.4549311, -1.230275, 1.084518, -1.48945, -9.174656, 0.1401376, -15.54507, -13.23028, -6.915482, 2.636127, 3.908286, 6.180444, 7.452602, 8.724761, 5.996919, 5.51055, 1.825344, 0.1401376, 4.454931, -2.230275, 2.084518, 4.51055, 6.825344, -4.859862, -10.54507, -6.230275, -5.363873, 10.90829, -7.819556, -5.547398, -12.27524, -12.00308, 5.636127, 16.90829, 10.18044, 9.452602, 4.724761, -9.003081, 1.51055, -1.174656, -3.859862, -3.545069, -10.23028, -6.915482, 2.908286, 2.180444, -3.547398, -0.2752391, -11.00308, 9.636127, 13.18044, 5.452602, -2.003081, -6.363873, -0.09171441, -3.819556, -9.547398, -6.275239, -1.003081, -1.48945, 0.825344, -4.859862, -1.545069, -3.230275, -5.915482, -3.363873, 4.908286, 9.180444, -3.275239, 10.99692, -3.48945, -3.174656, -2.859862, -4.545069, -8.230275, -9.915482, -0.4894495, 0.825344, 0.1401376, 1.454931, -1.230275, 0.08451822, -0.4894495, 1.825344, -1.859862, 3.454931, 6.769725, 0.08451822, -0.3638728, -3.091714, -8.819556, -10.5474, -9.275239, -4.363873, -6.091714, 1.180444, -0.5473976, 1.996919, -7.363873, -1.819556, -0.5473976, 1.724761, -7.003081, -1.48945, -1.174656, -7.859862, -4.545069, -2.230275, -2.915482, 2.636127, -1.091714, -2.819556, -4.547398, -10.27524, 7.636127, 3.908286, 3.180444, 8.452602, 7.724761, 10.99692, -7.363873, -4.091714, -0.819556, 3.452602, 1.724761, -2.003081, -0.3638728, -4.091714, -9.819556, -3.547398, -2.275239, -1.003081, 3.636127, -1.091714, 5.180444, 14.4526, 18.72476, -5.48945, -2.174656, -2.859862, -7.545069, 5.769725, 6.084518, -0.4894495, 3.825344, 10.14014, 10.45493, 14.76972, 18.08452, -3.48945, 0.825344, 0.1401376, 0.4549311, 0.7697247, -0.9154818, 0.5105505, -0.174656, 3.140138, 4.454931, 10.76972, 3.084518, 8.51055, 4.825344, -8.545069, -5.230275, 0.08451822, -1.48945, 0.825344, 0.1401376, -0.5450689, -1.230275, -0.9154818, 4.51055, 1.825344, 5.140138, 5.454931, -1.230275, 2.084518, -0.4894495, -0.174656, 4.140138, 7.454931, 5.769725, 7.084518, 2.636127, -5.819556, -5.547398, -4.275239, -1.003081, -1.091714, -7.819556, -4.547398, -2.275239, 4.996919, 6.51055, 6.825344, 9.140138, 6.454931, 8.769725, 12.08452, 0.6361272, 1.908286, -0.819556, 5.452602, -1.275239, 7.996919, -6.363873, -7.091714, -5.819556, -7.547398, -7.275239, 1.51055, 0.825344, -5.859862, -2.545069, -1.230275, -5.915482, -7.363873, -3.091714, -4.819556, -5.547398, -6.275239, -0.0030807, -0.4894495, 4.825344, -5.859862, 0.4549311, -3.230275, 5.084518, 5.636127, 4.908286, 3.180444, 2.452602, -3.275239, -2.003081, -3.363873, -3.091714, -1.819556, -2.547398, 2.724761, 5.996919, 2.636127, -1.091714, 4.180444, 4.452602, 0.7247609, -2.003081, 3.636127, 4.908286, 7.180444, 8.452602, 7.724761, -2.363873, 3.908286, 0.180444, -4.547398, -5.275239, -6.003081, 2.636127, -0.09171441, 4.180444, 7.452602, 3.724761, 5.996919, -3.363873, 5.908286, 7.180444, 11.4526, 12.72476, 19.99692, 5.636127, -0.09171441, -8.819556, -9.547398, -8.275239, 5.996919, 1, 2, 3, 4, 30, 35, 48, 49, 55, 67, 132, 151, 158, 161, 178, 204, 209, 212, 228, 252, 279, 302, 307, 330, 372
6 -0.7637502, -1.334388, 0.04059869, -0.5258185, 375, 1, 2, 0, 0, 66, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 22.46235, -2.328427, 1.87039, -0.01632041, -0.2178169, 1.689033, 0.1448304, -0.6140199, 0.2048155, -0.7467012, -1.368395, 0.7810892, -1.011798, -0.8654887, -1.80154, 0.3137975, -0.07892988, 0.04666551, -1.699391, -1.408595, -0.6027275, 0.621033, -1.292321, 0.03379407, 0.2937498, -1.426283, -0.6981726, -1.187567, -0.8769168, -0.4833713, 2.028598, -0.9194655, -0.9002538, 2.021522, -0.8556822, 1.817998, -0.3069721, 0.7378939, 0.7191711, -0.1740893, 1.077386, 0.7261997, -0.351673, -0.608421, 2.290602, 0.5159655, -1.977048, -0.2922083, -1.566711, -0.01219092, 1.062398, -0.4898595, 0.6200649, 1.751079, -0.4350609, 1.035471, 1.520839, -0.1989665, 1.793544, -1.518699, -0.6855383, -1.749931, 1.491979, 0.8920945, -0.01583448, -1.109884, 2.400632, -0.6193091, 0.1131083, 2.422481, -1.220864, 0.1417159, -1.120757, -0.1622186, 0.6674878, -0.5469648, -0.8676692, 1.253774, -0.6218609, -0.1091672, -0.8811235, -0.2051055, 0.7052329, 0.3786835, -0.6576233, -0.3493908, -0.6323867, 1.107169, -1.125178, 0.02594846, 0.3189655, -1.372843, 0.3342609, -0.3140933, -0.4638303, -1.201451, 1.248463, 0.1942926, -0.305748, 2.276836, 0.6263097, 2.357049, 0.06473637, 0.7530379, -0.5775388, -0.07591824, 0.2167285, 1.014495, -0.4419044, 0.1982255, 1.392942, 0.7567933, -0.8834694, -0.6752864, -0.1677809, 0.2730313, -0.2622961, 0.6272213, -0.002264009, 1.128766, -0.6519011, 0.8174282, 2.542761, -0.2117489, 1.138951, -1.519749, 0.1171261, -1.325573, 1.016154, 0.07400517, -1.114003, -1.409683, -0.2965492, -1.061501, -0.9393883, 0.006238536, 0.6192402, -0.1064833, -0.6192402, 0.1064833, -0.1064833, 0.09173426, 0.1064833, -0.09173426, -0.6192402, 0.1064833, 1.123779, -0.1962614, 0.1064833, -0.09173426, -0.1962614, 0.1665234, 4.23896, 1.137029, 0.3575375, -2.338368, -0.8081428, -0.1672039, 0.3575375, 0.1605593, -0.8630147, -0.2753467, -0.05768433, -2.338368, -0.8630147, 5.491716, 1.683918, 0.3526209, -0.8081428, -0.2753467, 1.683918, 0.7091249, 0.138644, -0.1672039, -0.05768433, 0.3526209, 0.138644, 0.02929956, -1103.419, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 61, 61, 61, 61, 61, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 66, 66, 66, 66, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 46, 46, 46, 46, 46, 46, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, 54, lme.formula(fixed = hdrs ~ week * endo, data = reisby_long, random = ~week | ,     id, correlation = corCAR1(form = ~week | id), method = "ML", ,     na.action = "na.omit"), hdrs ~ week * endo, ML, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 24.33274, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 12.60901, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 24.33274, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 24.33274, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 12.60901, 24.33274, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 12.60901, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 12.60901, 24.33274, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 12.60901, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 12.60901, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 24.33274, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 12.60901, 24.33274, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 12.60901, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 24.33274, 21.988, 19.64325, 17.2985, 14.95376, 12.60901, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 10.82022, 22.46235, 20.13393, 17.8055, 15.47707, 13.14865, 24.33274, 21.988, 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12.97719, 10.01637, 7.055559, 24.95378, 23.7162, 22.47862, 20.00346, 18.76588, 21.17003, 17.71643, 14.26282, 10.80922, 7.355613, 3.902008, 22.49615, 20.19367, 17.89119, 15.58871, 13.28623, 10.98376, 22.7561, 20.74664, 18.73718, 16.72772, 14.71826, 12.7088, 22.90646, 19.18887, 15.47128, 11.75369, 8.036101, 23.63457, 21.62409, 19.6136, 17.60311, 13.58214, 23.14518, 17.8275, 15.16866, 12.50981, 9.850974, 21.58544, 18.79318, 16.00092, 13.20867, 10.41641, 7.624152, 23.84937, 20.30318, 16.75698, 13.21078, 9.66458, 26.36134, 25.26506, 24.16877, 23.07249, 21.97621, 20.87992, 23.41328, 21.26282, 19.11237, 16.96192, 14.81146, 12.66101, 23.43249, 20.782, 18.1315, 15.48101, 12.83051, 10.18001, 26.35427, 26.28635, 26.21844, 26.15053, 26.08262, 21.60667, 19.90456, 18.20244, 16.50032, 14.7982, 13.09609, 24.28035, 24.30897, 24.3376, 24.36622, 24.39484, 24.42346, 22.15538, 19.89169, 17.628, 15.36431, 13.10062, 10.83693, 23.20025, 21.62486, 20.04947, 18.47408, 16.89869, 15.3233, 23.18153, 20.27556, 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1.522926, -1.148647, 0.1797799, -0.4623547, 1.866072, -1.805501, 3.522926, 6.851353, 0.1797799, -0.3327448, -2.987998, -8.64325, -10.2985, -8.953756, -4.332745, -5.987998, 1.35675, -0.2985028, 2.390992, -7.332745, -1.64325, -0.2985028, 2.046244, -6.609008, -1.462355, -1.133928, -7.805501, -4.477074, -2.148647, -2.82022, 2.667255, -0.9879975, -2.64325, -4.298503, -9.953756, 7.667255, 4.012002, 3.35675, 8.701497, 8.046244, 11.39099, -7.332745, -3.987998, -0.6432502, 3.701497, 2.046244, -1.609008, -0.3327448, -3.987998, -9.64325, -3.298503, -1.953756, -0.6090082, 3.667255, -0.9879975, 5.35675, 14.7015, 19.04624, -5.462355, -2.133928, -2.805501, -7.477074, 5.851353, 6.17978, -0.4623547, 3.866072, 10.1945, 10.52293, 14.85135, 18.17978, -3.462355, 0.8660722, 0.1944991, 0.5229261, 0.851353, -0.8202201, 0.5376453, -0.1339278, 3.194499, 4.522926, 10.85135, 3.17978, 8.537645, 4.866072, -8.477074, -5.148647, 0.1797799, -1.462355, 0.8660722, 0.1944991, -0.4770739, -1.148647, -0.8202201, 4.537645, 1.866072, 5.194499, 5.522926, -1.148647, 2.17978, -0.4623547, -0.1339278, 4.194499, 7.522926, 5.851353, 7.17978, 2.667255, -5.64325, -5.298503, -3.953756, -0.6090082, -0.9879975, -7.64325, -4.298503, -1.953756, 5.390992, 6.537645, 6.866072, 9.194499, 6.522926, 8.851353, 12.17978, 0.6672552, 2.012002, -0.6432502, 5.701497, -0.9537555, 8.390992, -6.332745, -6.987998, -5.64325, -7.298503, -6.953756, 1.537645, 0.8660722, -5.805501, -2.477074, -1.148647, -5.82022, -7.332745, -2.987998, -4.64325, -5.298503, -5.953756, 0.3909918, -0.4623547, 4.866072, -5.805501, 0.5229261, -3.148647, 5.17978, 5.667255, 5.012002, 3.35675, 2.701497, -2.953756, -1.609008, -3.332745, -2.987998, -1.64325, -2.298503, 3.046244, 6.390992, 2.667255, -0.9879975, 4.35675, 4.701497, 1.046244, -1.609008, 3.667255, 5.012002, 7.35675, 8.701497, 8.046244, -2.332745, 4.012002, 0.3567498, -4.298503, -4.953756, -5.609008, 2.667255, 0.01200248, 4.35675, 7.701497, 4.046244, 6.390992, -3.332745, 6.012002, 7.35675, 11.7015, 13.04624, 20.39099, 5.667255, 0.01200248, -8.64325, -9.298503, -7.953756, 6.390992, 3.755462, 3.304753, 2.854044, -4.596666, -4.047375, -1.498084, 8.848613, 2.035324, -4.777965, 6.408746, -0.4045434, -0.2178324, 4.522425, 0.9879291, 0.4534334, -1.081062, 8.384442, -7.150054, 0.1516652, -7.357689, -0.8670438, 1.623602, 1.114247, -0.3951073, -3.53756, 2.139699, 1.816959, -1.505782, 2.171478, -2.586044, 0.3056684, -1.802619, 4.089093, -3.127483, -1.964349, 2.248067, -5.539516, -4.3271, -1.114683, 0.09773316, -2.243444, 0.8312085, -2.094139, 2.980513, 4.055166, -1.500269, -4.549981, 0.4003071, -2.649405, 0.3008828, -5.013342, -2.559427, -0.1055125, 2.348402, -0.1976834, -3.531205, -3.305334, -3.079463, -0.8535926, -2.627722, -0.401851, 3.903311, -1.546837, 1.003016, -0.4471309, -0.897278, -2.383425, -1.760231, -2.137037, 0.4861572, 0.1093512, 2.732545, -2.50902, 1.440723, 0.3904666, 2.34021, -2.710046, 1.239697, -5.762964, -2.776914, 0.2091362, 1.195186, -3.818763, -0.8327132, 2.873711, 5.079507, 2.285303, -0.5089006, -2.303105, 3.902692, -1.814046, 3.050451, -2.085053, -0.220556, -5.356059, -2.491563, -2.776816, -2.565516, -2.354215, 0.857086, -0.9316132, 1.279688, 0.2875765, -6.058424, 4.595576, -9.750425, -6.096426, 1.557574, 1.175276, 1.503869, 2.832462, 3.161055, 3.489648, -0.1817592, 4.645551, 0.8999725, -0.8456057, 3.408816, -3.336762, 0.9176595, 4.55348, 7.99591, -2.56166, -7.11923, -1.6768, -4.222861, 13.53157, -3.714, 0.04043028, -5.205139, -3.450709, 3.266623, 14.90792, 8.549216, 8.190513, 3.831809, -9.526894, 2.156954, 0.5468822, -1.06319, 0.3267377, -5.283334, -0.8934067, 3.838283, 4.122418, -0.5934463, 3.690689, -6.025175, 7.244775, 10.92179, 3.260301, -4.062681, -4.924149, 1.769989, -1.535873, -6.841735, -3.147597, 2.546541, -0.8596272, 2.101186, -2.938, 1.022814, -0.01637281, -2.055559, -3.953778, 3.283801, 6.52138, -8.003463, 5.234116, -2.170034, -0.7164288, 0.7371765, 0.1907818, -2.355613, -2.902008, -0.4961488, 0.8063297, 0.1088082, 1.411287, -1.286235, 0.01624355, -0.7561045, 1.253357, -2.737182, 2.27228, 5.281741, -1.708797, 1.093538, -0.1888718, -4.471282, -4.753691, -2.036101, -3.634572, -5.624086, 1.386401, -0.6031129, 1.41786, -6.145178, 0.1725037, 1.831344, 4.490185, -3.850974, -0.585438, 0.2068193, -6.000923, -2.208666, 0.583591, 0.3758482, 3.150626, 0.6968248, 0.2430231, -0.2107786, -4.66458, 5.638657, 0.7349414, -1.168774, 2.92751, 1.023795, 3.120079, -6.413279, -3.262825, -0.1123699, 4.038085, 2.18854, -1.661006, 0.567509, -2.781996, -8.1315, -1.481005, 0.1694902, 1.819986, 1.645733, -5.286355, -1.218443, 5.849469, 7.91738, -4.606673, -1.904555, -3.202438, -8.500321, 4.201796, 3.903913, -2.280353, -0.3089745, 3.662404, 1.633782, 3.60516, 4.576538, -3.155383, 1.108308, 0.3719985, 0.6356891, 0.8993796, -0.8369298, -0.2002486, -1.62486, 0.9505295, 1.525918, 7.101308, -1.323303, 7.818474, 4.72444, -7.463628, -3.557663, 2.348303, -1.288265, 1.11608, 0.5204249, -0.0752299, -0.6708847, -0.2665396, 3.46026, 0.5719582, 3.683657, 3.795355, -3.092947, 0.01875193, -1.188554, -1.874623, 1.439309, 3.753241, 1.067173, 1.381105, 3.018928, -4.407768, -3.621117, -1.834465, 1.952187, -0.577802, -7.43128, -4.284758, -2.138236, 5.008285, 4.247043, 3.182528, 4.118013, 0.05349741, 0.9889823, 2.924467, 0.1512897, 0.7392437, -2.672802, 2.915152, -4.496894, 4.09106, -4.355697, -4.12748, -1.899264, -2.671047, -1.44283, 1.829854, 1.833567, -4.16272, -0.1590066, 1.844707, -2.15158, -5.766034, -1.253505, -2.740977, -3.228449, -3.715921, 2.796608, -0.4501638, 4.605232, -6.339372, -0.2839768, -4.228581, 3.826815, 4.604858, 4.211901, 2.818944, 2.425988, -2.966969, -1.359925, -2.842885, -3.125359, -2.407833, -3.690307, 1.027219, 3.744745, 2.04719, -1.605798, 3.741213, 4.088224, 0.4352356, -2.217753, 1.916176, 2.132157, 3.348139, 3.56412, 1.780101, -1.897684, 5.098964, 2.095613, -1.907739, -1.91109, -1.914442, 1.631784, -1.840897, 1.686423, 4.213742, -0.2589392, 1.26838, -4.853584, 1.948403, 0.7503889, 2.552375, 1.354361, 6.156348, 5.866222, 0.422718, -8.020786, -8.464289, -6.907793, 7.648703, 307, 307, 64, 307, 307, 307, 64, 307, 30, 35, 48, 49, 55, 67, 132, 151, 158, 161, 178, 204, 209, 212, 228, 252, 279, 302, 307, 330, 372, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 57, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 61, 61, 61, 61, 61, 61, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 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1 2294.137
2 2294.137
3 2244.177
4 2240.717
5 2242.609
6 2224.838

AIC of continous autoregressive is crearly best.

Let’s reduce the fixed part of this fit

fit1 <- fits %>% filter(model == "continous_autoregressive") %>% pull(fit) %>% .[[1]]
fit2 <- update(fit1, fixed = hdrs~week + endo)
fit3 <- update(fit2, fixed = hdrs~week)
anova(fit1, fit2, fit3)
     Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
fit1     1  9 2224.838 2260.180 -1103.419                        
fit2     2  8 2222.840 2254.255 -1103.420 1 vs 2 0.001599  0.9681
fit3     3  7 2224.560 2252.048 -1105.280 2 vs 3 3.720382  0.0538

We can leave out the interaction and the overall term endo


In this exercise we will consider a possible quadratic effect of time in the Reisby example. You may choose whether you use R or SPSS.


Based on the spaghetti plots of the data (see the spaghetti plots on Day 2) one might suspect it is too simplistic to assume that the change across time is linear. Perhaps the trend in time is curvilinear? Test (with the likelihood ratio test) whether adding a fixed quadratic time parameter would improve the model. (Note: when using a quadratic term for time along with the linear term, it is better to first center time.)

reisby_long %<>%
  mutate(week_center = week - diff(range(week)) / 2)

fit_lin <- lme(fixed = hdrs ~ week_center,
                 random = ~ week_center | id,
                 # correlation = corCAR1(form = ~ week_center | id),
                 data = reisby_long, na.action = "na.omit",
                 method = "ML")

fit_quadr <- lme(fixed = hdrs ~ week_center + I(week_center^2) ,
                 random = ~ week_center | id,
                 # correlation = corCAR1(form = ~ week_center | id),
                 data = reisby_long, na.action = "na.omit",
                 method = "ML")

drop1(fit_quadr, test = "Chisq")
Single term deletions

hdrs ~ week_center + I(week_center^2)
                 Df    AIC    LRT Pr(>Chi)    
<none>              2232.6                    
week_center       1 2301.6 70.990   <2e-16 ***
I(week_center^2)  1 2231.0  0.411   0.5212    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Quadratic can be left out without hurting model fit


Would the model be improved if we also postulate that the quadratic time parameter individually deviates from average (i.e. is also random)?

reisby_long %<>% mutate(week_center_sqr = week_center^2)

fit_quadr2 <- lme(fixed = hdrs ~ week_center + week_center_sqr,
                 random = ~ week_center + week_center_sqr | id,
                 # correlation = corCAR1(form = ~ week_center | id),
                 data = reisby_long, na.action = "na.omit",
                 method = "ML")

# fit_quadr2_car <- lme(fixed = hdrs ~ week_center + week_center_sqr,
#                  random = ~ week_center + week_center_sqr | id,
#                  correlation = corCAR1(form = ~ week_center + week_center_sqr | id),
#                  data = reisby_long, na.action = "na.omit",
#                  method = "ML")

drop1(fit_quadr2, test = "Chisq")
Single term deletions

hdrs ~ week_center + week_center_sqr
                Df    AIC    LRT Pr(>Chi)    
<none>             2227.7                    
week_center      1 2297.2 71.549   <2e-16 ***
week_center_sqr  1 2226.0  0.339   0.5604    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
anova(fit_lin, fit_quadr, fit_quadr2)
           Model df      AIC      BIC    logLik   Test   L.Ratio p-value
fit_lin        1  6 2231.037 2254.599 -1109.519                         
fit_quadr      2  7 2232.626 2260.115 -1109.313 1 vs 2  0.411483  0.5212
fit_quadr2     3 10 2227.648 2266.917 -1103.824 2 vs 3 10.978143  0.0118
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: reisby_long 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  2227.648 2266.917 -1103.824

Random effects:
 Formula: ~week_center + week_center_sqr | id
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
                StdDev    Corr         
(Intercept)     4.9246191 (Intr) wk_cnt
week_center     1.4548925  0.504       
week_center_sqr 0.4401575 -0.573  0.050
Residual        3.2428349              

Fixed effects: hdrs ~ week_center + week_center_sqr 
                    Value Std.Error  DF    t-value p-value
(Intercept)     17.500568 0.6605456 307  26.494111  0.0000
week_center     -2.375170 0.2074442 307 -11.449681  0.0000
week_center_sqr  0.051481 0.0887028 307   0.580379  0.5621
                (Intr) wk_cnt
week_center      0.400       
week_center_sqr -0.553  0.046

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.62118644 -0.52641734  0.01065469  0.47660417  3.83483483 

Number of Observations: 375
Number of Groups: 66 

Quadratic with quadratic term in random part fits th edata better than with only linear term


The results of this last model suggest that although the trend across time is essentially linear at the population level, it is curvilinear at the individual level. Can you explain this phenomenon?

Some patients may ‘wiggle-up’ while others will ‘wiggle-down’, which may smooth out the overall ‘wiggling’ to a linear trend


Part b of this question will be used in the quiz this afternoon. Please save the output and have it on hand (together with this exercise) when you complete the quiz.

Take another look at the crossover study (crossover.sav and crossover.dat) from Day 1.

Read in data and curate

bpco <- read.table(here("data", "crossover.dat"), header = T)
bpco %<>% 

factor_vars <- c("period", "drug")
bpco %<>% mutate_at(vars(factor_vars), funs(as.factor))

'data.frame':   36 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ patient: int  1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 ...
 $ period : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ drug   : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 ...
 $ y      : int  100 112 116 114 108 110 104 114 114 98 ...


Check the assumptions for the model from exercise 5b on Day 1.

  1. was:

Fit a model to the data, looking at drug and period effect and correcting for the fact that (most) patients have more than one DBP measurement. Which variable(s) do you choose as random?

fit <- lmer(y ~ drug + period + (1 | patient), data = bpco, REML = F)
fit %>% summary()
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: y ~ drug + period + (1 | patient)
   Data: bpco

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   280.7    288.6   -135.3    270.7       31 

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.28988 -0.42035 -0.02943  0.44467  1.49483 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 patient  (Intercept) 80.65    8.981   
 Residual             52.95    7.277   
Number of obs: 36, groups:  patient, 19

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  104.955      2.983   35.18
drug2          9.360      2.471    3.79
period2       -1.250      2.474   -0.51

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
        (Intr) drug2 
drug2   -0.388       
period2 -0.427 -0.058

Normal distribution of residuals:


Pretty o.k.

Check outliers of random terms

intercepts <- coef(fit)$patient[,1]

Seems ok

Check distribution of residuals within patients

bpco %>%
  mutate(residual = resid(fit)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = residual, x = patient, group = patient)) + 

Patient 11 seems to have quite extreme residuals

There is no linear effect of time assumed in the model, so it does not make sense to check for this assumption.


Use this dataset to answer the questions: is there a significant difference between the two drugs, and is there a significant period effect? Begin with the full model from part (a), and reduce the model (if possible) by removing the least significant explanatory variable(s). Use the likelihood ratio test (and maximum likelihood estimation) to test.

Quiz assignment so not included


On day 1 and in the morning session we looked at a multi-center, randomized, double-blind clinical trial to compare three treatments for hypertension (on Monday we only looked at 2). One treatment was a new drug (A = Carvedilol) and the other two were standard drugs for controlling hypertension (B = Nifedipine, C = Atenolol). Twenty-nine centers participated in the trial and patients were randomized in order of entry. One pre-randomization and four post-treatment visits (at weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9) were made. We would like to see if there is a difference among the three treatments. The data can be found in the file bp.csv. Read the data into R or SPSS. The research question is which of the medicines (treat) is more effective in reducing DBP. Since baseline (pre-randomization) DBP (dbp) will likely be associated with post-treatment DBP, we wish to include it here as a covariate.

Read in data and curate

bp <- read.csv(here("data", "bp.csv"))
factor_vars <- c("patient", "center", "treat")

bp %<>% mutate_at(vars(factor_vars), funs(as.factor))
'data.frame':   1092 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ patient: Factor w/ 288 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 ...
 $ visit  : num  3 5 7 9 3 3 5 7 9 3 ...
 $ center : Factor w/ 29 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 21 21 21 21 21 5 5 5 5 5 ...
 $ treat  : Factor w/ 3 levels "A ","B ","C ": 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 ...
 $ dbp    : num  101 88 89 86 72 121 109 111 109 88 ...
 $ dbp1   : int  97 97 97 97 109 117 117 117 117 100 ...
patient   visit  center   treat     dbp    dbp1 
      0       0       0       0       0       0 

We seem to have 288 unique patients (not 29), but we have the 3 treatments and the dbp outcomes, so probably this is the dataset we need

No missing values, which is nice


First fit a two-level model, examining the effects of treatment, time and their interaction, while adjusting only for multiple measurements per person by including a random intercept and random slope per patient. Use ML estimation.

Since visit is measured in weeks, we can model is as continous

fit1 <- lme(fixed = dbp ~ treat*visit,
            random = ~ visit | patient,
            data = bp, method = "ML")
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: bp 
       AIC      BIC    logLik
  7530.258 7580.215 -3755.129

Random effects:
 Formula: ~visit | patient
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev   Corr  
(Intercept) 7.907548 (Intr)
visit       0.693940 -0.516
Residual    5.746647       

Fixed effects: dbp ~ treat * visit 
                 Value Std.Error  DF  t-value p-value
(Intercept)   96.37245 1.1654615 801 82.69037  0.0000
treatB        -1.89625 1.6710617 285 -1.13476  0.2574
treatC        -3.21670 1.6597129 285 -1.93811  0.0536
visit         -0.58440 0.1563155 801 -3.73862  0.0002
treatB :visit  0.04913 0.2214847 801  0.22181  0.8245
treatC :visit  0.03827 0.2185382 801  0.17511  0.8610
              (Intr) treatB treatC visit  trtB:v
treatB        -0.697                            
treatC        -0.702  0.490                     
visit         -0.765  0.534  0.537              
treatB :visit  0.540 -0.765 -0.379 -0.706       
treatC :visit  0.547 -0.382 -0.765 -0.715  0.505

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-3.92383934 -0.51816497 -0.02925895  0.48239711  3.61862205 

Number of Observations: 1092
Number of Groups: 288 


Now fit a three-level model, examining the effects of treatment, time and their interaction, including a random intercept and random slope per patient and a random intercept per center. Use ML estimation. Note: R users will perhaps find it easier to switch the the lmer function in the lme4 package, allowing one to add random effects per level using + (effect|level) to the equation. SPSS users will need to use the syntax for this. Paste the syntax from part (a) and add an extra RANDOM statement: /RANDOM=INTERCEPT | SUBJECT(center) COVTYPE(ID) Both: if you get stuck, see the code on Moodle.

fit2 <- lmer(dbp ~ treat * visit + (visit | patient) + (1 | center),
             data = bp, REML = F)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: dbp ~ treat * visit + (visit | patient) + (1 | center)
   Data: bp

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  7519.5   7574.5  -3748.8   7497.5     1081 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.9040 -0.5142 -0.0292  0.4934  3.6637 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
 patient  (Intercept) 60.788   7.797         
          visit        0.483   0.695    -0.59
 center   (Intercept)  6.143   2.478         
 Residual             33.046   5.749         
Number of obs: 1092, groups:  patient, 288; center, 29

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)   97.12224    1.27262   76.32
treatB        -1.92854    1.65796   -1.16
treatC        -3.23024    1.64675   -1.96
visit         -0.58027    0.15568   -3.73
treatB :visit  0.04920    0.22069    0.22
treatC :visit  0.03707    0.21782    0.17

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) treatB treatC visit  trtB:v
treatB      -0.630                            
treatC      -0.640  0.489                     
visit       -0.715  0.551  0.555              
treatB:vist  0.505 -0.790 -0.391 -0.705       
treatC:vist  0.512 -0.394 -0.791 -0.715  0.504


Compare the two models using the likelihood ratio test. Is the random intercept per center significant? Should you base your decision to include the intercept on this outcome?

Switch fit1 to lmer too to make the anova function work

fit1 <- lmer(dbp ~ treat*visit + (visit | patient),
             data = bp, REML = F)
anova(fit1, fit2)
Data: bp
fit1: dbp ~ treat * visit + (visit | patient)
fit2: dbp ~ treat * visit + (visit | patient) + (1 | center)
     Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)    
fit1 10 7530.3 7580.2 -3755.1   7510.3                             
fit2 11 7519.5 7574.5 -3748.8   7497.5 12.737      1  0.0003585 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Dropping the intercept per center would decrease the model fit significantly.

This is an argument to keep it in. However you can also argue to just keep it in based on the design of the study


Try to reduce the fixed part of the model: is the interaction significant? Is there a treatment effect? Is there a time effect?

Let’s continue with fit2

drop1(fit2, test = "Chisq")
Single term deletions

dbp ~ treat * visit + (visit | patient) + (1 | center)
            Df    AIC      LRT Pr(Chi)
<none>         7519.5                 
treat:visit  2 7515.6 0.054107  0.9733

We can drop the interaction

fit2 <- update(fit2, dbp ~ treat + visit + (visit | patient) + (1 | center))
drop1(fit2, test = "Chisq")
Single term deletions

dbp ~ treat + visit + (visit | patient) + (1 | center)
       Df    AIC    LRT   Pr(Chi)    
<none>    7515.6                     
treat   2 7520.4  8.799   0.01228 *  
visit   1 7548.9 35.341 2.767e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We should keep in treat.

So there is a difference in treatments, and a time-effect


Run the final model once more using REML estimation. See if you can get some post-hoc tests of treatments (hint: EMMEANS statement in SPSS. In R, the package lmerTest contains the useful functions lsmeans() and difflsmeans(). If you get stuck, you can look at the R script provided on Moodle).

fit2_reml <- update(fit2, REML = T)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: dbp ~ treat + visit + (visit | patient) + (1 | center)
   Data: bp

REML criterion at convergence: 7496

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.8813 -0.5132 -0.0261  0.4891  3.6402 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
 patient  (Intercept) 61.5456  7.8451        
          visit        0.4932  0.7023   -0.59
 center   (Intercept)  6.5707  2.5633        
 Residual             33.0347  5.7476        
Number of obs: 1092, groups:  patient, 288; center, 29

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 96.96728    1.04203   93.06
treatB      -1.63870    1.02011   -1.61
treatC      -3.01376    1.01176   -2.98
visit       -0.55126    0.08957   -6.15

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
       (Intr) treatB treatC
treatB -0.464              
treatC -0.476  0.489       
visit  -0.501 -0.011 -0.020
Differences of LSMEANS:
              Estimate Standard Error    DF t-value Lower CI Upper CI
treat A  - B       1.6           1.02 264.1    1.61   -0.370     3.65
treat A  - C       3.0           1.01 262.6    2.98    1.022     5.01
treat B  - C       1.4           1.03 259.9    1.34   -0.648     3.40
treat A  - B    0.109   
treat A  - C    0.003 **
treat B  - C    0.182   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


Interpret the results.

Using the post-hoc test, there is a significant difference between treatments A and C, but not between the other treatments


Centering the explanatory variables is a major topic in mixed models. (See for example the evaluation review of Omar Paccagnella “Centering or Not Centering in Multilevel Models? The Role of the Group Mean and the Assessment of Group Effects”.) In this exercise we will demonstrate the consequences of centering. Consider again the longitudinal data example of the paper by John Fox (see exercise 3 of Day 2), stored in blackmoor.csv or available as Blackmore in the car package.

'data.frame':   945 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ subject : Factor w/ 231 levels "100","101","102",..: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ age     : num  8 10 12 14 15.9 ...
 $ exercise: num  2.71 1.94 2.36 1.54 8.63 0.14 0.14 0 0 5.08 ...
 $ group   : Factor w/ 2 levels "control","patient": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
bm <- Blackmore
 subject      age exercise    group 
       0        0        0        0 

This one is nicely curated. Factor variables are coded as such, and the data is nice and long. No missings


Fit a model with random intercept, random age effect, fixed group and a fixed interaction between age and group. Don’t forget the transformation of the outcome! Make a table of the most important parameter estimates.

bm %<>% mutate(log_exercise = log2(exercise + 5/60))
fit1 <- lme(fixed = log_exercise ~ group*age,
            random = ~ age | subject,
            data = bm, method = "ML", na.action = "na.omit")
fit1 %>% summary()
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: bm 
      AIC     BIC    logLik
  3615.31 3654.12 -1799.655

Random effects:
 Formula: ~age | subject
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev   Corr  
(Intercept) 2.187747 (Intr)
age         0.162618 -0.777
Residual    1.244083       

Fixed effects: log_exercise ~ group * age 
                      Value Std.Error  DF   t-value p-value
(Intercept)      -0.7890932 0.3746122 712 -2.106427  0.0355
grouppatient     -2.2708519 0.4756862 229 -4.773844  0.0000
age               0.0641167 0.0312861 712  2.049367  0.0408
grouppatient:age  0.2396503 0.0393076 712  6.096797  0.0000
                 (Intr) grpptn age   
grouppatient     -0.788              
age              -0.906  0.713       
grouppatient:age  0.721 -0.903 -0.796

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
       Min         Q1        Med         Q3        Max 
-2.7391755 -0.4321269  0.1230949  0.5309236  2.6410290 

Number of Observations: 945
Number of Groups: 231 

We can print the random effects, but to get them as a numeric vector is pretty hard (they are ‘well’ hidden in the fit-object).

Inspecting the code of nlme:::print.lme should brings us to the answer but takes too long for now

We try to get them ourselves but it doesn’t help

(var(coef(fit1)[, c(1,3)]))
            (Intercept)          age
(Intercept)   2.2671569 -0.078402900
age          -0.0784029  0.008598472

This is actually a little troubling

We can get the fixed coefficients and the sigma easily

     (Intercept)     grouppatient              age grouppatient:age 
     -0.78909317      -2.27085186       0.06411674       0.23965033 
[1] 1.244083


Repeat the analysis but first transform the age to age-8. Extend the table of (a) with the new estimates.

bm_shift <- mutate(bm, age = age - 8)
fit2 <- update(fit1, data = bm_shift)

There is a handy function for the fixed part:

compareCoefs(fit1, fit2)

1: lme.formula(fixed = log_exercise ~ group * age, data = bm, random = 
  ~age | subject, method = "ML", na.action = "na.omit")
2: lme.formula(fixed = log_exercise ~ group * age, data = bm_shift, 
  random = ~age | subject, method = "ML", na.action = "na.omit")
                  Est. 1    SE 1  Est. 2    SE 2
(Intercept)      -0.7891  0.3738 -0.2762  0.1816
grouppatient     -2.2709  0.4747 -0.3536  0.2343
age               0.0641  0.0312  0.0641  0.0312
grouppatient:age  0.2397  0.0392  0.2397  0.0392

Intercept changes, which makes sense, not the linear effect of age, nor the interaction. Grouppatient also changes


Repeat the analysis again but now transform the age to the deviation from the mean age (i.e. centering to the mean). Extend again the table with the new estimates (R users should recall the compareCoefs() function from yesterday).

bm_center <- mutate(bm, age = age - mean(age))
fit3 <- update(fit1, data = bm_center)
compareCoefs(fit1, fit2, fit3)

1: lme.formula(fixed = log_exercise ~ group * age, data = bm, random = 
  ~age | subject, method = "ML", na.action = "na.omit")
2: lme.formula(fixed = log_exercise ~ group * age, data = bm_shift, 
  random = ~age | subject, method = "ML", na.action = "na.omit")
3: lme.formula(fixed = log_exercise ~ group * age, data = bm_center, 
  random = ~age | subject, method = "ML", na.action = "na.omit")
                  Est. 1    SE 1  Est. 2    SE 2  Est. 3    SE 3
(Intercept)      -0.7891  0.3738 -0.2762  0.1816 -0.0555  0.1594
grouppatient     -2.2709  0.4747 -0.3536  0.2343  0.4711  0.2053
age               0.0641  0.0312  0.0641  0.0312  0.0641  0.0312
grouppatient:age  0.2397  0.0392  0.2397  0.0392  0.2397  0.0392

Again the intercept and group effects change, but not the slopes


Compare the results of these three models and explain the differences and similarities (Hint. Use something like figure 9 of the Fox & Weisberg paper).

Left for now


Which model would you prefer? Explain your choice.

Skipped for now


Kroesbergen et al. (Eur Respir J 1999) investigated the flow-dependency of exhaled nitric oxide (NO) in healthy children (n=20) and children with asthma (n=19). The concentration of NO in exhaled are was measured four times, at four different target values of the flow of exhalation (2, 5, 10, and 20% of their vital capacity per second). The actual flows differed from the target flows. The following questions are addressed: is there is an association between NO (pbb) and FLOW (L/sec) for healthy and asthmatic children? Is this association different for the two groups? The variables NO and FLOW have been been log-transformed.

The dataset no.dat. contains the following variables:

NUM child’s identification number DIAGNOSE 0 = “healthy” and 1 = “asthma” FLOW 10log(flow)-10log(2)
NO 10log(NO concentration)


Describe what you see in the graphs. What would be your first impression with respect to the research questions?

Seems like a clear association betheen NO and flow in both groups.

More variace in NO in asthma group, and steeper slope (more negative)


In R, fit a model with random intercept random slope regression for the healthy group. What is the mean slope and intercept? What are the estimated variances of the random components? Is a random slope model necessary, or would a random intercept be sufficient?

no <- read.table(here("data", "no.dat"), header = T)

factor_vars <- c("num", "diagnose")
no %<>% mutate_at(vars(factor_vars), funs(as.factor))

'data.frame':   156 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ num     : Factor w/ 39 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 ...
 $ diagnose: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ flow    : num  -0.222 0.176 0.484 0.782 -0.699 ...
 $ no      : num  0.769 0.556 0.415 0.509 0.943 ...

Reproducing the plot from the word-file

no %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = flow, y = no, group = num)) + 
  geom_line() + geom_point() + 
  facet_grid(~diagnose) + theme_minimal()

fit1 <- lme(fixed = no ~ flow,
            random = ~ flow | num,
            data = filter(no, diagnose == "0"),
            method = "ML")
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: filter(no, diagnose == "0") 
        AIC       BIC   logLik
  -162.0047 -147.7125 87.00234

Random effects:
 Formula: ~flow | num
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev    Corr  
(Intercept) 0.1372792 (Intr)
flow        0.1018528 -0.839
Residual    0.0496389       

Fixed effects: no ~ flow 
                 Value  Std.Error DF   t-value p-value
(Intercept)  0.8108212 0.03162558 59  25.63815       0
flow        -0.3452360 0.02754635 59 -12.53291       0
flow -0.707

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.15285664 -0.58959632 -0.03373757  0.48607120  2.46376179 

Number of Observations: 80
Number of Groups: 20 

See random effects for the SD’s of the effects

fit2 <- update(fit1, random = ~ 1 | num)
anova(fit1, fit2)
     Model df       AIC       BIC   logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
fit1     1  6 -162.0047 -147.7125 87.00234                        
fit2     2  4 -143.5307 -134.0026 75.76534 1 vs 2 22.47401  <.0001

The AIC is negative here which is a little unusual, but the lower AIC (more negative) from fit1 indicates fit1 is better


Answer the same questions for the group of children with asthma.

fit1_a <- update(fit1, data = filter(no, diagnose == "1"))
fit2_a <- update(fit1_a, random = ~ 1 | num)
anova(fit1_a, fit2_a)
       Model df       AIC       BIC   logLik   Test  L.Ratio p-value
fit1_a     1  6 -64.18880 -50.20440 38.09440                        
fit2_a     2  4 -46.52904 -37.20611 27.26452 1 vs 2 21.65976  <.0001

Again the model with random slope is better


Compare the results of the two groups. What would you conclude on the basis of these results?

Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: filter(no, diagnose == "0") 
        AIC       BIC   logLik
  -162.0047 -147.7125 87.00234

Random effects:
 Formula: ~flow | num
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev    Corr  
(Intercept) 0.1372792 (Intr)
flow        0.1018528 -0.839
Residual    0.0496389       

Fixed effects: no ~ flow 
                 Value  Std.Error DF   t-value p-value
(Intercept)  0.8108212 0.03162558 59  25.63815       0
flow        -0.3452360 0.02754635 59 -12.53291       0
flow -0.707

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.15285664 -0.58959632 -0.03373757  0.48607120  2.46376179 

Number of Observations: 80
Number of Groups: 20 
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: filter(no, diagnose == "1") 
       AIC      BIC  logLik
  -64.1888 -50.2044 38.0944

Random effects:
 Formula: ~flow | num
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev     Corr  
(Intercept) 0.38293951 (Intr)
flow        0.18164821 -0.393
Residual    0.06682339       

Fixed effects: no ~ flow 
                 Value  Std.Error DF    t-value p-value
(Intercept)  0.8517394 0.08940237 56   9.527034       0
flow        -0.5848256 0.04793471 56 -12.200462       0
flow -0.346

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
        Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
-2.61299643 -0.53347738  0.04039453  0.38132723  2.06154236 

Number of Observations: 76
Number of Groups: 19 

With regards to the random part: there is greater variation in slopes and intercepts for the asthmatic group, which is in accordance with the plot

compareCoefs(fit1, fit1_a)

1: lme.formula(fixed = no ~ flow, data = filter(no, diagnose == "0"), 
  random = ~flow | num, method = "ML")
2: lme.formula(fixed = no ~ flow, data = filter(no, diagnose == "1"), 
  random = ~flow | num, method = "ML")
             Est. 1    SE 1  Est. 2    SE 2
(Intercept)  0.8108  0.0312  0.8517  0.0882
flow        -0.3452  0.0272 -0.5848  0.0473

For the fixed parts, the intercept is a little higher in the asthmatic group, and their slopes are more negative


Fit a model for the two groups combined, using an interaction for diagnosisflow and allowing a different covariance structure for the two groups (note: as far as we know, this cannot be done in SPSS; in R, use the following command:) no.lme.3 <- lme(no~flow + factor(diagnose)+ flow:factor(diagnose), random=~flow + diagnose + flowdiagnose| num, weights=varIdent(form=~1|diagnose), method=“ML”, data=nodat)

fit3 <- lme(fixed = no ~ flow * diagnose,
            random = ~ flow * diagnose | num,
            weights = varIdent(form = ~1|diagnose),
            method = "ML", data = no)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: no 
        AIC       BIC   logLik
  -218.1935 -169.3958 125.0967

Random effects:
 Formula: ~flow * diagnose | num
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
               StdDev     Corr                
(Intercept)    0.13727910 (Intr) flow   digns1
flow           0.10185272 -0.839              
diagnose1      0.26189009  0.823 -0.680       
flow:diagnose1 0.17568175 -0.014 -0.230  0.062
Residual       0.04963893                     

Variance function:
 Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
 Formula: ~1 | diagnose 
 Parameter estimates:
       0        1 
1.000000 1.346191 
Fixed effects: no ~ flow * diagnose 
                    Value  Std.Error  DF    t-value p-value
(Intercept)     0.8108212 0.03163596 115  25.629735  0.0000
flow           -0.3452360 0.02755540 115 -12.528798  0.0000
diagnose1       0.0409182 0.09480556  37   0.431601  0.6685
flow:diagnose1 -0.2395895 0.05527596 115  -4.334425  0.0000
               (Intr) flow   digns1
flow           -0.707              
diagnose1      -0.334  0.236       
flow:diagnose1  0.353 -0.499 -0.400

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
         Min           Q1          Med           Q3          Max 
-2.612996113 -0.565060550  0.009625799  0.435834542  2.463760385 

Number of Observations: 156
Number of Groups: 39 

The random command contains a term for group, flow and the group*flow interaction and thus allows for a separate variance for the random intercept and slope for the two diagnosis groups. The weights statement further allows differing residual variances for the two groups. Check that the log-likelihood of this model is the sum of the log-likelihoods of the models in b and c.

logLik(fit1) + logLik(fit1_a)
'log Lik.' 125.0967 (df=6)
'log Lik.' 125.0967 (df=16)

It’s the same, awesome


Can the variance structure be simplified by assuming equal residual variances? (Hint: try removing the weights statement.)

anova(fit3, update(fit3, weights = NULL))
                             Model df       AIC       BIC   logLik   Test
fit3                             1 16 -218.1935 -169.3958 125.0967       
update(fit3, weights = NULL)     2 15 -216.8824 -171.1346 123.4412 1 vs 2
                              L.Ratio p-value
update(fit3, weights = NULL) 3.311073  0.0688

Yes, the difference is not statistically significant


Can the covariance structure be further reduced? Try to simplify the random command by removing the diagnose*flow interaction, and then by removing diagnose.

fit <- update(fit3, weights = NULL)
anova(fit, update(fit, random = ~diagnose + flow | num))
                                             Model df       AIC       BIC
fit                                              1 15 -216.8824 -171.1346
update(fit, random = ~diagnose + flow | num)     2 11 -219.8507 -186.3022
                                               logLik   Test L.Ratio
fit                                          123.4412               
update(fit, random = ~diagnose + flow | num) 120.9253 1 vs 2 5.03175
update(fit, random = ~diagnose + flow | num)  0.2841

No significant decrease, so throw out interaction

fit <- update(fit, random = ~ diagnose + flow | num)
anova(fit, update(fit, random = ~ flow | num))
                                  Model df       AIC       BIC   logLik
fit                                   1 11 -219.8507 -186.3022 120.9253
update(fit, random = ~flow | num)     2  8 -199.5570 -175.1582 107.7785
                                    Test  L.Ratio p-value
update(fit, random = ~flow | num) 1 vs 2 26.29366  <.0001

We cannot drop the diagnosis random slope, so let’s keep this one in


Is the fixed diagnose*flow interaction necessary? In other words: do the asthmatic children indeed have a significantly more negative slope than the healthy children?

drop1(fit, test = "Chisq")
Single term deletions

no ~ flow * diagnose
              Df     AIC    LRT  Pr(>Chi)    
<none>           -219.85                     
flow:diagnose  1 -205.69 16.155 5.835e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Yes, there is a significantly different slope on a group level.


Answer the following questions for the model you end up with. What is the slope for the healthy group, what for the asthma group? What is the standard deviation of the random intercept the healthy children, and is the variance for asthmatic children larger or smaller? What is the residual standard deviation for the two groups?

Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
 Data: no 
        AIC       BIC   logLik
  -219.8507 -186.3022 120.9253

Random effects:
 Formula: ~diagnose + flow | num
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev     Corr         
(Intercept) 0.16457756 (Intr) digns1
diagnose1   0.33224111  0.031       
flow        0.14566924 -0.912  0.074
Residual    0.05859566              

Fixed effects: no ~ flow * diagnose 
                    Value  Std.Error  DF   t-value p-value
(Intercept)     0.8106943 0.03790725 115 21.386262  0.0000
flow           -0.3453098 0.03747611 115 -9.214131  0.0000
diagnose1       0.0411343 0.09537103  37  0.431308  0.6687
flow:diagnose1 -0.2393473 0.05426221 115 -4.410938  0.0000
               (Intr) flow   digns1
flow           -0.804              
diagnose1      -0.397  0.320       
flow:diagnose1  0.555 -0.691 -0.412

Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
         Min           Q1          Med           Q3          Max 
-2.989428022 -0.499267230  0.005727409  0.506361087  2.340777877 

Number of Observations: 156
Number of Groups: 39 

slope healthy = -0.345 slope asthma = -0.345 - 0.239 = (-0.584)

sd of random intercept healthy: 0.165

From the summary of the separate fit for asthmatic children, we see that the variance in intercept is higher.

I don’t know how to properly combine the numbers from the random effects here. I’m inclined to add the sd of ‘diagnose1’ to the intercept, but the numbers don’t add up.

Residual sd = 0.058

Day 4

CASE I: Contraception use of women in Bangladesh Note: today’s quiz questions are about this case.


First, let’s make some preparations. The dataset Contraception is located in the package mlmRev. Function glmer() that is needed to fit the GLMMs is located in the package lme4.


Open RStudio and try to load package lme4 using library(lme4). Is the package installed?



When the package lme4 is not on this computer, it needs to be installed using install.packages(“lme4”). After installing the package, load it. When R complains about other missing packages, install and load those too.


Load package mlmRev, if needed install it first.



Examine dataset Contraception.


Load the data using data(Contraception). Open the description using help(Contraception) (and read it!).

cc <- Contraception
'data.frame':   1934 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ woman   : Factor w/ 1934 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ district: Factor w/ 60 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ use     : Factor w/ 2 levels "N","Y": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ livch   : Factor w/ 4 levels "0","1","2","3+": 4 1 3 4 1 1 4 4 2 4 ...
 $ age     : num  18.44 -5.56 1.44 8.44 -13.56 ...
 $ urban   : Factor w/ 2 levels "N","Y": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...


Variable livch is a factor variable containing the number of living children a woman has at the time of the study, which could be used to explain the use of contraceptives. Hint: you can use Contraception$livch to access the column livch in the dataset Contraception. Do you think this coding is a wise choice? Would it have been better to use the exact number of children?

This depends on whether the association is linear.

If it is linear, it would have been better to keep the absolute values, otherwise using them as factors should be pretty similar, except when there is actually a big difference between 3 and more, which may actually be possible as there are people who will never use contraception, and they may have more than 3 children, while other people who would use contraception can also ‘stop at 3’

In general: better to keep in raw data and only categorize when necessary during statistical modeling later on.


age is the only continuous variable that is used, examine its distribution using the boxplot() function. Try the summary() function too. Does the distribution of age appear to be symmetrical? Does it need to be?


Not symmertrical, does not need to be (it is a determinant, the assumption is that there is a linear relationsiop between the outcome, not on the distribution of the determinant itself)


Explore the dataset by examining different rows, for instance Contraception[1:10,] shows the first 10 rows, Contraception[100:110,] shows rows 100 to 110.

   woman district use livch     age urban
20    20        1   N     2 -3.5600     Y
21    21        1   N     0 -4.5599     Y
22    22        1   N     0 -9.5599     Y
23    23        1   N    3+  2.4400     Y
24    24        1   Y     2  2.4400     Y
25    25        1   Y     1 -4.5599     Y
26    26        1   N    3+ 14.4400     Y
27    27        1   Y     0 -6.5599     Y
28    28        1   Y     1 -3.5599     Y
29    29        1   Y     1 -5.5599     Y
30    30        1   Y     1 -1.5599     Y


Make some tables to examine the relationship between the use of contraceptives and different factors using the table() command. For more information on table(), use ?table.


Make a crosstable of urban and use. What’s the percentage of women in rural areas using contraception? And what’s the percentage of women in urban areas using contraception?

We’ll use data.table for easy subsetting

cc[, tabl(use, urban)]
use      N   Y <NA>
  N    903 272    0
  Y    469 290    0
  <NA>   0   0    0

Seems like more use in urban areas


Examine the crosstable of livch and use. Does there seem to be a relationship between the number of children and the use of contraception?

cc[, tabl(use, livch)]
use      0   1   2  3+ <NA>
  N    397 192 158 428    0
  Y    133 164 147 315    0
  <NA>   0   0   0   0    0
cc %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = livch, fill = use)) + 

Yes, most use for people with 2 living childer


Does the use of contraception seem to differ between districts in this sample?

cc %>%
  group_by(district) %>%
  summarize(mean_use = mean(use == "Y")) %>%
  mutate(district = factor(district, levels = levels(district)[order(mean_use)])) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = district, x = mean_use)) + 

Yes, pretty different per district


We will fit regression models to predict contraception use as a function of the number of children, age, and whether women live in urban or rural areas.


Fit a standard logistic model for use, regressed on main effects of livch, age and urban. This can be done using:

mod0 <- glm(use ~  livch + age + urban, family = binomial, data = cc)

glm(formula = use ~ livch + age + urban, family = binomial, data = cc)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.5170  -0.9994  -0.6972   1.2772   1.9635  

             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -1.568044   0.126229 -12.422  < 2e-16 ***
livch1       1.059186   0.151954   6.970 3.16e-12 ***
livch2       1.287805   0.167241   7.700 1.36e-14 ***
livch3+      1.216385   0.170593   7.130 1.00e-12 ***
age         -0.023995   0.007536  -3.184  0.00145 ** 
urbanY       0.797181   0.105186   7.579 3.49e-14 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2590.9  on 1933  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2456.7  on 1928  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2468.7

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Examine the coefficients using summary(mod0). What meaning does for instance the coefficient for age have?

Higher odds of using contraception in lower age

How do we obtain the odds ratio corresponding to the effect of age on contraception use? Take exponent

Is the effect of age linear? (Make a table of proportions of contraceptive use against age, and make an appropriate plot.)

We can do this by binning age, and calculating the log-odds of contraception use in each stratum

cc %>%
  mutate(age_bin = quant(age, 10),
         use_logical = use == "Y") %>%
  group_by(age_bin) %>%
  summarize(prop_ci_use = list(binom.confint_logical(use_logical))) %>%
    prop_use = map_dbl(prop_ci_use, "mean"),
    prop_use_lo = map_dbl(prop_ci_use, "lower"),
    prop_use_hi = map_dbl(prop_ci_use, "upper"),
    logit_use = logit(prop_use),
    logit_use_lo = logit(prop_use_lo),
    logit_use_hi = logit(prop_use_hi)
  ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age_bin, y = logit_use, ymin = logit_use_lo, ymax = logit_use_hi)) + 

Clearly no linear trend, looks more like quadratic

Though keep in mind that this is marginal over all other covariates.

However since there are only a few and they are all discrete, it is unlikely that co-‘variation’ between age and these other covariates would explain this non-linear trend between age and the logit of use


Adapt the previous model by adding a quadratic age component:

mod1 <- glm(use ~  livch + age + I(age^2) + urban, family = binomial, data = cc)

glm(formula = use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban, family = binomial, 
    data = cc)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.4738  -1.0369  -0.6683   1.2401   1.9765  

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -0.9499521  0.1560118  -6.089 1.14e-09 ***
livch1       0.7831128  0.1569096   4.991 6.01e-07 ***
livch2       0.8549040  0.1783573   4.793 1.64e-06 ***
livch3+      0.8060251  0.1784817   4.516 6.30e-06 ***
age          0.0045837  0.0089084   0.515    0.607    
I(age^2)    -0.0042865  0.0007002  -6.122 9.23e-10 ***
urbanY       0.7680975  0.1061916   7.233 4.72e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 2590.9  on 1933  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 2417.7  on 1927  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2431.7

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
Single term deletions

use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban
         Df Deviance    AIC
<none>        2417.7 2431.7
livch     3   2451.0 2459.0
age       1   2417.9 2429.9
I(age^2)  1   2456.7 2468.7
urban     1   2470.5 2482.5

Based on the Wald p-value of age2, did the model improve significantly? And if you compare the AIC’s?

Both according to wald and AIC we should keep it in


Now fit a logistic model for use, regressed on main effects of livch, age, I(age^2) and urban, and with a random intercept for each district. This can be done using:

mod2 <- glmer(use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban + (1 | district), family = binomial, data = cc)
Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control
$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00584039 (tol =
0.001, component 1)
Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
 - Rescale variables?

(Disregard any warning messages for now.) Examine the fixed coefficients of mod2, compare these to the coefficients of mod1.

Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
  Approximation) [glmerMod]
 Family: binomial  ( logit )
Formula: use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban + (1 | district)
   Data: cc

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  2388.7   2433.3  -1186.4   2372.7     1926 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.8438 -0.7592 -0.4640  0.9493  3.0715 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 district (Intercept) 0.2258   0.4752  
Number of obs: 1934, groups:  district, 60

Fixed effects:
              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -1.0350274  0.1757515  -5.889 3.88e-09 ***
livch1       0.8149767  0.1631935   4.994 5.92e-07 ***
livch2       0.9164595  0.1863475   4.918 8.74e-07 ***
livch3+      0.9150272  0.1873165   4.885 1.03e-06 ***
age          0.0035352  0.0092785   0.381    0.703    
I(age^2)    -0.0045621  0.0007294  -6.255 3.98e-10 ***
urbanY       0.6972851  0.1208609   5.769 7.96e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
         (Intr) livch1 livch2 lvch3+ age    I(g^2)
livch1   -0.609                                   
livch2   -0.680  0.524                            
livch3+  -0.764  0.565  0.651                     
age       0.573 -0.276 -0.457 -0.698              
I(age^2) -0.541  0.250  0.354  0.320 -0.477       
urbanY   -0.263  0.064  0.096  0.102 -0.053  0.027
convergence code: 0
Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00584039 (tol = 0.001, component 1)
Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
 - Rescale variables?
compareCoefs(mod2, mod1)
Warning in compareCoefs(mod2, mod1): models to be compared are of different

1: glmer(formula = use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban + (1 | 
  district), data = cc, family = binomial)
2: glm(formula = use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban, family = 
  binomial, data = cc)
               Est. 1      SE 1    Est. 2      SE 2
(Intercept) -1.035027  0.175752 -0.949952  0.156012
livch1       0.814977  0.163194  0.783113  0.156910
livch2       0.916459  0.186348  0.854904  0.178357
livch3+      0.915027  0.187317  0.806025  0.178482
age          0.003535  0.009278  0.004584  0.008908
I(age^2)    -0.004562  0.000729 -0.004286  0.000700
urbanY       0.697285  0.120861  0.768097  0.106192

Using the random intercept per district, the fixed effect of livch is higher,

linear effect of age is smaller, quadratic effect unchaged, fixed effect of urban smaller


The AIC can again be obtained from each model using the summary() function. Based on the AIC, do you prefer mod1 or mod2?

AIC(mod2, mod1)
     df      AIC
mod2  8 2388.729
mod1  7 2431.659

Prefer mod2


We can also use a likelihood ratio test to compare mod1 and mod2. Do this as follows (commands can be pasted in R, comments appear after the # character):

d1 <- as.numeric(-2*logLik(mod1)) #is the -2LL for mod1
d2 <- as.numeric(-2*logLik(mod2)) #is the -2LL for mod2
ldif <- d1 - d2 #is the -2LL difference
degfr <- 1 #difference in the number of parameters
pchisq(ldif, degfr, lower.tail = FALSE)/2 #to compute the p-value
[1] 1.020941e-11


anova(mod2, mod1, test = "Chisq")
Data: cc
mod1: use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban
mod2: use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban + (1 | district)
     Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)    
mod1  7 2431.7 2470.6 -1208.8   2417.7                            
mod2  8 2388.7 2433.3 -1186.4   2372.7 44.93      1  2.042e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

P-value of latter version is the same but not divided by 2

Why is the p-value divided by 2?

Variance of random effects are always greater >= 0, so it can be tested one-sided, thus the p-value divided by 2

Why is degfr equal to 1?

1 additional parameter estimated: variance of random intercepts

Based on the likelihood ratio test, do you prefer mod1 or mod2?



Fit model mod3, which is similar to mod2 but also contains a random “slope” for urban. Models mod2 and mod3 can be compared using anova(mod2, mod3). (Note that you could not compare mod1 and mod2 this way, because one contains a random explanatory variable and the other doesn’t.) Which model do you prefer? Try to interpret the coefficients of this model.

mod3 <- glmer(use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban + (urban | district), family = binomial, data = cc)
Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control
$checkConv, : Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00471276 (tol =
0.001, component 1)
Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
 - Rescale variables?
anova(mod3, mod2, test = "Chisq")
Data: cc
mod2: use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban + (1 | district)
mod3: use ~ livch + age + I(age^2) + urban + (urban | district)
     Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)   
mod2  8 2388.7 2433.3 -1186.4   2372.7                            
mod3 10 2380.6 2436.3 -1180.3   2360.6 12.118      2   0.002337 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mod3 is better

CASE II: Melanoma mortality

  1. Preparation
  1. Load dataset Mmmec and examine its help file.
  2. How many rows does dataset Mmmec have? Use the nrow() command.
  3. Explore dataset Mmmec by looking at different sets of rows.
  1. Descriptive statistics.
  1. Examine whether the number of malignant melanoma deaths seems to be different for counties with a high dose of UVB versus counties with a low dose of UVB (dichotomizing using the median UVB dose). This can be done as follows, plotting two separate histograms:

par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) #tell R to plot two graphs below each other in one figure hist(Mmmec\(deaths[Mmmec\)uvb >= median(Mmmec\(uvb)], xlim = c(0, 350), ylim = c(0, 80), breaks = 10*(0:35)) #histogram for high UVB hist(Mmmec\)deaths[Mmmec\(uvb < median(Mmmec\)uvb)], xlim = c(0, 350), ylim = c(0, 80), breaks = 10*(0:35)) #histogram for low UVB

  1. Compare the two histograms.
  2. What is the function of the xlim, ylim and breaks arguments for hist()?
  3. Look at the help file for hist(), see if you can change the axis labels and the main title. Note that if needed, the graphics panel can be cleared using,
  1. Fit a Poisson regression model for deaths, regressed on a main effect of uvb. The model can be obtained using glm(), just as in exercise 4a. Choose the correct family. Use the argument offset = log(expected). Call the model pmod0. Is the estimated effect of UVB radiation on the number of malignant melanoma deaths in each county from pmod0 positive or negative?
  2. Fit a Poisson regression model for deaths, regressed on a main effect of uvb, and including a random intercept for region. Use the same offset as pmod0. Use function glmer(), and call this model pmod1. Is the estimated effect of UVB radiation on the number of malignant melanoma deaths in each county from pmod1 positive or negative?
  3. Compare the fit of pmod0 and pmod1 using the AIC. Hint: this can be done just as in exercise 4d. Based on the AIC, do you prefer pmod0 or pmod1?
  4. Based on the likelihood ratio test, do you prefer pmod0 or pmod1? Use the method from exercise 4e. You will need to explicitly ask for the maximum log likelihood, using the function logLik.
  1. Fit a model similar to pmod1, but also including a random slope for uvb within each region. Call this model pmod2.
  2. Use anova() to compare pmod1 and pmod2. Which model do you prefer?
  1. Let’s examine the effect of UVB radiation on the number of malignant melanoma deaths in more detail.
  1. Fit a model similar to pmod1, but with a fixed main effect of nation, as well as a fixed interaction of nation with uvb. This can be done using:

pmod3 <- glmer(deaths ~ uvb*nation + (1|region), family = poisson, data = Mmmec, offset = log(expected))

  1. Compare pmod1 and pmod3 using anova().
  2. Examine the coefficients of pmod3.
  3. To aid in the interpretation of pmod3, we will plot the predicted outcome ln(deaths/expected) against the UVB dose in each nation, using the fixed effects. R is a powerful tool for producing plots, but it can be complicated. We will build the plots in steps as follows:

fixef(pmod3) #are the fixed effects from pmod3

uvb.Belgium <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Belgium”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Belgium”]), 0.001) #is a sequence of possible uvb values within the observed range for Belgium, we will use this in the plots

similarly for the other nations:

uvb.W.Germany <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “W.Germany”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “W.Germany”]), 0.001) uvb.Denmark <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Denmark”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Denmark”]), 0.001) uvb.France <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “France”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “France”]), 0.001) uvb.UK <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “UK”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “UK”]), 0.001) uvb.Italy <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Italy”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Italy”]), 0.001) uvb.Ireland <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Ireland”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Ireland”]), 0.001) uvb.Luxembourg <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Luxembourg”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Luxembourg”]), 0.001) uvb.Netherlands <- seq(min(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Netherlands”]), max(Mmmec\(uvb[Mmmec\)nation == “Netherlands”]), 0.001) #clear the graphics panel par(lwd = 3, cex.main = 1.6, cex.axis = 1.6, cex.lab = 1.6) #set some global parameters for the plot, line width is 3, we will use character size 1.6

plot the predicted outcome for Belgium (given the fixed effects):

plot(uvb.Belgium, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]*uvb.Belgium, type = “l”, col = “blue”, xlim = c(-10, 15), ylim = c(-0.9, 0.9), xlab = “UVB”, ylab = “Predicted ln(deaths/expected)”)

add the other nations to the plot:

lines(uvb.W.Germany, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.W.Germany + fixef(pmod3)[“nationW.Germany”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationW.Germany”]uvb.W.Germany, col = “darkgreen”)

lines(uvb.Denmark, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.Denmark + fixef(pmod3)[“nationDenmark”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationDenmark”]uvb.Denmark, col = “red”)

lines(uvb.France, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.France + fixef(pmod3)[“nationFrance”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationFrance”]uvb.France, col = “grey”)

lines(uvb.UK, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.UK + fixef(pmod3)[“nationUK”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationUK”]uvb.UK, col = “yellow”)

lines(uvb.Italy, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.Italy + fixef(pmod3)[“nationItaly”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationItaly”]uvb.Italy, col = “black”)

lines(uvb.Ireland, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.Ireland + fixef(pmod3)[“nationIreland”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationIreland”]uvb.Ireland, col = “lightgreen”)

lines(uvb.Luxembourg, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.Luxembourg + fixef(pmod3)[“nationLuxembourg”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationLuxembourg”]uvb.Luxembourg, col = “purple”)

lines(uvb.Netherlands, fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.Netherlands + fixef(pmod3)[“nationNetherlands”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationNetherlands”]uvb.Netherlands, col = “orange”)

add a legend:

legend(8, 0.9, legend = c(“Belgium”, “W.Germany”, “Denmark”, “France”, “UK”, “Italy”, “Ireland”, “Luxembourg”, “Netherlands”), col = c(“blue”, “darkgreen”, “red”, “grey”, “yellow”, “black”, “lightgreen”, “purple”, “orange”), lty = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), cex = 1.6)

Try to explain what was done when we computed for instance fixef(pmod3)[“(Intercept)”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb”]uvb.Netherlands + fixef(pmod3)[“nationNetherlands”] + fixef(pmod3)[“uvb:nationNetherlands”]uvb.Netherlands

Examine the plot and try to explain these results.

CASE III: babyboomers and alcohol addiction

The dataset survdat1 contains the survival data on alcohol addiction, sex, age and being a baby boomer, from today’s lecture.



Load dataset survdat1 and package survival.

load(here("data", "Survdat1.Rdata"))
'data.frame':   3075 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ id     : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ clust  : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ age    : num  58.6 62.5 59.8 59.1 66.6 ...
 $ sex    : num  0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 ...
 $ a      : num  0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 ...
 $ endtime: num  12 12 10 4 12 7 11 12 0 12 ...
 $ y1     : num  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...


Examine survdat1 using descriptive statistics as you see fit.

       id             clust            age             sex        
 Min.   :   1.0   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :56.97   Min.   :0.0000  
 1st Qu.: 769.5   1st Qu.:10.00   1st Qu.:59.47   1st Qu.:0.0000  
 Median :1538.0   Median :18.00   Median :62.06   Median :0.0000  
 Mean   :1538.0   Mean   :17.64   Mean   :62.00   Mean   :0.4937  
 3rd Qu.:2306.5   3rd Qu.:26.00   3rd Qu.:64.46   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
 Max.   :3075.0   Max.   :32.00   Max.   :66.96   Max.   :1.0000  
       a             endtime             y1        
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :0.0000  
 1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.: 3.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
 Median :1.0000   Median :11.000   Median :0.0000  
 Mean   :0.5249   Mean   : 8.024   Mean   :0.1483  
 3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:12.000   3rd Qu.:0.0000  
 Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :12.000   Max.   :1.0000  

Look at distribution of outcomes and survival distribution

survdat1 %>%
  mutate(dummy_event = T, 
         status = factor(y1, levels = c(1, 0), 
                         labels = c("event", "censored"))) %>%
  survfit(Surv(endtime, dummy_event)~status, data = .) %>%
  autoplot() + 

Most events occur before censoring, nice


Be sure to make a cross-table of exposure a (being a babyboomer yes or no), and the indicator for alcohol addiction y1. Is it straightforward to estimate the probability of alcohol addiction at 12 months from the observed frequencies?

No, there is sensoring

survdat1[, tabl(y1, a)]
y1        0    1 <NA>
  0    1328 1291    0
  1     133  323    0
  <NA>    0    0    0



Fit a Cox proportional-hazards model for time-to-alcohol addiction, with fixed effects of age, sex and being a babyboomer, and a normally distributed random effect for cluster. Call the model “cox2”.

cox2 <- coxph(Surv(endtime, y1) ~ age + sex + a + frailty(clust, dist = "gauss"), data = survdat1)


Examine the model coefficients. Does being a babyboomer have a relevant effect on alcohol addiction in your opinion?

coxph(formula = Surv(endtime, y1) ~ age + sex + a + frailty(clust, 
    dist = "gauss"), data = survdat1)

  n= 3075, number of events= 456 

                          coef   se(coef) se2     Chisq  DF    p
age                       0.2197 0.01797  0.01796  149.3  1.00 0
sex                       1.0144 0.09980  0.09975  103.3  1.00 0
a                         1.4782 0.10720  0.10709  190.2  1.00 0
frailty(clust, dist = "ga                         1052.2 28.91 0

    exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
age     1.246     0.8028     1.203     1.290
sex     2.758     0.3626     2.268     3.354
a       4.385     0.2280     3.554     5.410

Iterations: 6 outer, 24 Newton-Raphson
     Variance of random effect= 1.439799 
Degrees of freedom for terms=  1.0  1.0  1.0 28.9 
Concordance= 0.873  (se = 0.014 )
Likelihood ratio test= 1089  on 31.91 df,   p=0

Yes pretty high hazard ratio


The estimated random effects for each cluster can be obtained from the model fit using:

frailties <- cox2$frail
[1] -1.500942e-17
[1] 1.34293

Examine these estimated frailties (mean, variance). Compare the variance with the estimated variance of the frailties from the model fit.

Variance here is lower than in the summary

12. (advanced)

The probability of alcohol addiction at 12 months, corrected for censoring, is the cumulative incidence at 12 months. From the hazard, cumulative incidence at time t can be calculated as:

For a Cox model with time-fixed covariates age, sex, a, and frailties B, this can be written as

with the cumulative baseline hazard at time t, and indicating individuals j within clusters i. Using this expression, we can build a so called plugin estimator for the cumulative incidence of alcohol addiction at 12 months for the group of babyboomers, in the following manner: 1. Compute for each individual with a=1 (babyboomers):

  1. The plugin estimator for cumulative incidence for the babyboomers is the average of the Fij’s calculated in the previous step. In an analogous way, the cumulative incidence of alcohol addiction in the non-babyboomer group can be calculated (removing the term for a=1 from the model).

Exercise: perform these calculations to estimate the cumulative incidence of alcohol addiction at 12 months, for both groups. Note that the frailties first have to be pasted to the data, and that the cumulative baseline hazard can be obtained from the model using the basehaz() function. Probably you will have to look at the answers for the right R commands.

Session information

R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
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 [4] lmerTest_2.0-36     car_2.1-6           nlme_3.1-131       
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[16] magrittr_1.5        data.table_1.10.4-3 dplyr_0.7.4        

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[34] crayon_1.3.4        evaluate_0.10.1     MASS_7.3-48        
[37] forcats_0.2.0       foreign_0.8-69      tools_3.4.3        
[40] hms_0.4.1           stringr_1.2.0       munsell_0.4.3      
[43] cluster_2.0.6       compiler_3.4.3      rlang_0.1.6        
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[61] rprojroot_1.3-2     readr_1.1.1         stringi_1.1.6      
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